religion: is gold god's metal?, page-54

  1. 1,048 Posts.
    Ah the good old religion debate.

    To give financial advice you need to be qualified, maybe they should introduce a similar system!

    I can't wait for the day they find aliens living on another planet and see what explanation religious folk can come up with.

    Isn't it funny that "religion" started in the midde east and to this day they are still the ones fighting the most in the world!

    Religion portrays people to look similar to Jesus. Arab looking etc, if Jesus is god , or he's son or whatever, wouldn't Jesus know that he also created blacks and asians etc?? Or other planets in the universe? What about dinosaurs?? How long has this god guy been around for according to religious people?

    What's even more hilarious is weddings, baptisms etc, we all get married in a church(I didn't) and the priest says blah blah ur gods children, bless them luck , happiness whatever yet 90% of the people would never go back their to worship.

    Or people that go to jail turn to religion to help get them through it all.

    Man If I was god I would be pretty cheesed off how much everyone abuses and uses him!

    I can't wait for the day for religion to be non existent and believe it will happen.
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