Hezbollah has every right to take soldiers on. Tha includes the...

  1. 230 Posts.
    Hezbollah has every right to take soldiers on. Tha includes the so called innocents who are vigilantes armed and trained and reserves in civilan clothes.

    Hezbollah took lgitimate targets and have not killed 'innocents' like it is claimed or at least not as randomly as the Israelis.

    What is of concern andshould be a consern to all of us is how Australia can be held hostage to Jewish interest so blindly. We do not have the privilege of being Jews and therefore should not bear the burden of being them either.

    Both parties to this conflict bear responsiblity for all of the instability in the world. Every disruptive instance to our lives has its origins with them.

    What further should be of concern to us is the fact that whilst Israel has air superiority over its neighbours and is clearly doing this to bloody Iran before it builds the Bomb is strengthening the resolve of the other fanatical mob the Mid East Arab Muslim and tyheir own capabilities. In the end it is not the Jews of Israel they will come after but us who they believe tolerated and protected them with our one sided politics to the extent the PM of Australia has ordered foreign affairs not to evacuate even Christian Lebanese from the area.

    Italy proved the Australian Prime Minister a liar. It is possible to take themse people home if we are truly independent. Then again I must admit the Lebanese Christians should have learned their lesson by fighting for Israel who a few years ago forcibly repatriated them to South Lebanon. Australia fast traked and took many of these in to Sydney.

    We are no part of this Ugly War. Deutronomy is what they are about. "Kill everything that lives breathes or moves" and the say God gave them that land. What God? with hoves and bats wings and goats horns.
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