religion vs Philosophy, page-10

  1. 1,921 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    So what about your religion and belief structure DBT9.......somehow you hold to the view that you are arbitrator over all matters pertaining to religious beliefs. Your wise counsel will determine what is true and what is fantasy.What should be allowed and what should be banned. What should be taught in schools and what shouldn't. I think you made some comment somewhere as to what parents should be prohibited from teaching their children. If everyone did what DBT9 decided was acceptable then it would be a much better world.

    Funny that, there were a few blokes in history who said the same thing Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse tung, Pol Pot, Lenin, Vlad III and the list goes on! They all thought that they knew what was best for all and if you didn't like it you were killed.

    They all had their religious views and faiths not unlike you and your unwavering faith in evolution and science!

    You might argue that you would never have done those atrocities but it not because your "nature" will prevent you but it is your circumstances. Given the right circumstances both you and I are quite capable of joining the "who's who" list of murderers because its our nature to do so.

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