religion, page-36

  1. 576 Posts.
    ptygmit "Indroctrination of children. Let them be free of religion until at least 14, preferably older"

    Great point however unlikely to happen, religion would die if children were not indoctrinated. Further to your point if all religion is to be taught in schools aetheism should be taught as well

    Snuff"Barrelnut, I think you betray a complete lack of knowledge of history. It was the organised Catholic church that transformed the pagan tribes in Europe into the dynamic West we have today. Our Universities, our system of court procedures, stopping the slaughter in the Colesium, separating religion from the state, development of agriculture, the rational investigation of the world leading to scientific progress."

    I totally disagree with your point, also i am an avid reader of history the christian religion was stolen from the pagans & sumerians they took the best bits to create a system of beliefs to control, even the christian belief of the virgin birth comes from the mushroom cults of anciant sumeria

    Mistyrains"Science is a modern day "religion". Those who believe that science should be the sole criteria in establishing what is true or untrue is no different to those in the past who referred to the Bible religiously to support their claim."

    Science is not a religion, science has a hypothesis & never states it is fact, it only states here are the points prove it right or wrong its all open for debate, unlike religion.

    Religion is a belief system for one's own emotional well being, "
    its an emotive issue for people that have no need for a supernatural belief system, it affects our lives & children & the world we live in, just look at the middle east and the people who enter this country as refugees their hatred of jews their hatred of other muslims clans be it shite etc etc which they continue instill in their children its toxic

    Mormons are funnier than muslims & they are the fastest growing religion in the usa, scary stuff

    Black stone& ptygmit no truer words will ever be said

    ophir "You're sure the ultimate enemy of moral progress it's not Satan and that people like yourselves are his useful idiots?" you asked someone how do you know satan exist, ok i'm satan you outed me i had to answer as it was written in a book in the year 100

    AHH ophir when you dont believe in god you dont believe in satan so only believers can be useful idiots

    Rebel"If there is a God..the unbeleivers will spend eternity wishing they would have listened.."
    Agree rebel i would prefer to be in hell the hang out for eternity with god botherers, the music,conversation & lifestyle would be pathetic plus i
    would have to live by all these rules, obviously because i cannot make my own

    By the way I am GOD, any questions, moranal issues etc etc please send me money when you have chance
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