religion, page-46

  1. 13,754 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    religion - snuff I read that link where the sun 'danced in the sky' & I believe that is what appeared to happen. Just like Dave says about the flying saucers I believe people do see them. Are they real? They appear real but are really illusions of a kind. In fact when we look at the sky, the trees, the birds they appear real & whilst they may be more real than flying saucers or dancing suns they also are illusions.

    It boils down to light (positive & negative)& our senses which make things appear as they are. The senses as it happens stop us form 'seeing' the real world. If one has the Christ Consciousness 'raised' then one is able to 'see' the real world, the Spirit world, One with God or whatever one wants to call the Highest Entity whilst in a human body.We all have that potential in fact that is what evolution is all about but don't tell jconnell.

    I could suggest psychic phenomena as a 'cause' for saucers etc.

    This arrived in my mail box today & may help explain 'things' better than my rant.

    The "Higher EGO" cannot act directly on the body, as its consciousness
    belongs to quite another plane and planes of ideation: than the "lower self" does and its action and behavior
    *depend on its free will** and choice *as to whether it will gravitate more
    towards its parent ("the Father in Heaven") or the "animal" which it informs, the man of flesh. The "Higher Ego," as part of the essence of the
    UNIVERSAL MIND, is *unconditionally omniscient on its own plane*, and only
    potentially so in our terrestrial sphere, as it has to act solely through
    its *alter ego* -- the Personal Self.

    No memory of a purely daily-life function, of a physical, egotistical, or
    of a lower mental nature -- such as, e.g*.,* eating and drinking, enjoying
    personal sensual pleasures, transacting business to the detriment of one's
    neighbor, etc., etc., has aught to do with the "Higher" Mind or EGO. Nor
    has it any direct dealings on this physical plane with either our brain or our
    heart -- for these two are the organs of a power higher than the *
    Personality* -- but only with our passional organs, such as the liver, the
    stomach, the spleen, etc.

    *Indeed, every organ in our body has its own memory.* For if it is endowed
    with a consciousness "of its own kind," every cell must of necessity have
    also a memory of its own kind, as likewise its *own psychic and noeticaction*.

    Responding to the touch of both a physical and a *metaphysical* Force, the
    impulse given by the *psychic* (or psycho-molecular) Force will act from *without within;* while that of the noetic (shall we call it Spiritual-dynamical?) Force works from
    *within without**.* For, as our body is the covering of the inner
    "principles," soul, mind, life, etc., so the molecule or the cell is the
    body in which dwell its "principles," the (to our sense and comprehension)
    immaterial atoms which compose that cell.

    Every human organ and each cell in the latter has a *key-board* of its own,
    like that of a piano, only that it registers and emits *sensations* instead
    of sounds. Every key contains the potentiality of good or bad, of producing
    harmony or disharmony. This depends on the impulse given and the
    combinations produced; and the force of the touch of the artist at work, a
    "double-faced Unity," indeed.

    For the whole life of man is guided by this double-faced Entity. If the
    impulse comes from the "Wisdom above," the Force applied being noetic or spiritual, the results will be actions worthy of the divine propeller; if from the "terrestrial, devilish wisdom" (psychic power), man's activities
    will be selfish, based solely on the exigencies of his physical, hence
    animal, nature. The above may sound to the average reader as pure nonsense;
    but every person must understand when told that there are *Manasic* as
    well as *Kamic* organs in him, although the cells of his body answer to
    both physical and spiritual impulses.

    When the breath from the divine Fiat brushes softly over the former, man
    becomes like unto *his* God -- but the other set feels it not. It needs the
    breeze of a strong terrestrial wind, impregnated with animal effluvia, to set its animal chords vibrating. It is the function of the physical, lower
    mind to act upon the physical organs and their cells; but, it is the higher
    mind *alone* which can influence the atoms interacting in these cells, which
    interaction is alone capable of exciting the brain, *via the spinal
    "center" cord,* to a mental representation of spiritual ideas far beyond any objects
    on this material plane. The phenomena of divine consciousness have to be
    regarded as activities of our mind on another and a higher plane, working through something less substantial than the moving molecules of the brain.

    Occultism teaches that the liver and the spleen-cells are the most
    subservient to the action of our "personal" mind, the heart being the organ
    *par excellence* through which the "Higher" Ego acts -- through the Lower Self.

    The whole human body is, as said, *a vast sounding board*, in which each
    cell bears a long record of impressions connected with its parent organ, and each cell has a memory and a consciousness of its kind, or call it instinct
    if you will. These impressions are, according to the nature of the organ, physical, psychic, or mental, as they relate to this or another plane.

    They may be called "states of consciousness" only for the want of a better
    expression -- as there are states of instinctual, mental, and purely
    abstract, or spiritual consciousness. If we trace all such "psychic"
    to brain-work, it is only because in that mansion called the human body the
    *brain is the front-door*, and the only one which opens out into Space. All the others are inner doors, openings in the private building, through which travel incessantly the transmitting agents of memory and sensation. The clearness, the vividness, and intensity of these depend on the state of health and the organic soundness of the transmitters.

    But their reality, in the sense of trueness or correctness, is due to *the "principle" they originate from*, and the preponderance in the Lower *Manas*of the
    *noetic* or the *phrenic* ("Kamic," terrestrial) element.

    Thus, while its inner constitution is Manasic, its "body," or rather
    functioning essence, is heterogeneous, and leavened with the Astral Light,
    the lowest element of Ether. It is a part of the mission of the Manasic Ray, to get gradually rid of the blind, deceptive element which though it makes of it an active spiritual entity on this plane, still brings it into so close contact with matter as to entirely becloud its divine nature and stultify its intuitions.
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