Religious populations growing faster than atheists worldwide, page-37

  1. 6,707 Posts.
    I haven't preconceived anything. I'm trying to make sense of something that makes no sense. An All-powerful G.d who inspires a religious movement in a tiny backwater over 2000 years ago and this is all the crumbs of inspiration we get? We then have to wait until this religion makes its way to Europe and especially England, gets Anglicised and turned into an English religion to be spread around the world supplanting and crushing all indigenous religions.

    Said religion then breaks into tens-of-thousands of parts, fails to hold a single, constant threat of understanding, causes massive disunity, fails to keep pace with the changing standards of science and modernism, but that's all we are ever going to get, because this is the brilliance of an All-knowing god? A religion that comes to us 2000 years later after passing through many translations, cultural filters, editing via prejudice and two millennium of Chinese Whispers.

    This just makes no sense. I'm not in the least having a go at your belief, it's just that if you really wanted to make a confusing mess of religion, then this way would exceed all possible expectations for having people reject religion. It's too stupid to be possible that this was intended by your god. There has to be an explanation, or religion is a completely human construct.
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