Religious populations growing faster than atheists worldwide, page-38

  1. 5,517 Posts.
    If religious, and overall populations are growing
    why are churches almost empty and being decommissioned?

    Simple demographic logic would tell us that a growing population with a growing religious segment
    would need more churches
    and more pews to fill them

    Not happening!

    True, and basically correct in the west, as we are experiencing the back end of the influence emerging from the enlightenment starting with the French Revolution.

    But if you look at Africa, India, China and even in some Muslim countries there is a strong lead that Christianity is growing very fast.

    You are very popular on the Humor forum with your posting, and seem to be well informed with all currently BS happening in the western culture, look no further then politicians, shepherds or people in high places who follow the trend everything they do seems to be backfiring especial when it's coming from the left, all this has been specifically engineered on purpose to undermined Christianity especially the CC, it's having enormous unintended consequences that are playing out right now.

    People are starting to wake up and realize what's at play, the first to wakeup are Catholics with all the sexual abuse wanting to know how the church got subverted to such an extent especially with the shepherds, trust me you will not like the reason as to why, as the whole of western civilization has been infected with the same virus, if you think Covid-19 is bad, what the French Revolution and the enlightenment has in mind will dwarf the virus.

    At this point in history, I'm not happy churches are closing, but at the same time its a good thing as the the crap is leaving and only what is pure is holding out, eventually the church will be purified.

    I'm basically sitting back and watching things play out, I just wish I could be around in 50years time to watch the outcome of the current BS sweeping the planet right now, all emerging from the enlightenment and it's social engineers
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