religious rightiousness, page-59

  1. 2,458 Posts.
    In my view, bowral and the Hegelian dialectic is at work before, during and after wars and always based on greed but made to appear as something else by the coveters, ie; religion, morals or political ideologies.

    It's like a company that eliminates or restricts, another company that it sees as a threat, by any means, fair or foul.

    Say for example company A sees company B as a threat and lets say they are in the mining industry.

    Company A could (using covert methods) fund an environmental movement to hamper, disrupt or destroy company B.

    Using the same principle, countries do the same thing and always use the propaganda tool and often religion (but not necessarily) as the vehicle to create discontent in amongst the population, foreign or domestic to achieve the intended goals.

    This principle can be use and is used at all levels, country, community or family.

    I would be surprised if many have not seen it in action but not recognized it, custody disputes are the most obvious, where party A propagates an argument against party B for some action (immoral or other) that party B is left struggling to defend them self against.

    The defense for party B is to propagate an argument equal to or better than the propaganda of party A.

    The one with access the greatest resource (usually financial) will win, right or wrong plays very little part.

    The 1692-1693 Salem Witch Trials are a prime example of people coveting power over others, where religion was the vehicle used, but the reason was the greed of having the power over others.

    WW1 in my view displays the Hegelian principle very clearly if one chooses to look, where Country B is powering ahead economically and becoming a threat to the power of country A, all means, fair or foul were deployed, the covert actions of the 18650000 Palestine Exploration Fund 01 and the insurgent 18880816 Thomas Edward Lawrence 01 using covert actions,

    to hamper, disrupt or destroy the 18440000 Railway Berlin-Baghdad 01 to protect the investors in the 18691117 Suez Canal 01.

    The Berlin-Baghdad Railway, or sometimes called the Euphrates Railway, was a massive threat the power of Great Briton, France, Russia and to the investors of the Suez Canal as it would have reduced the travel time from East Asia and the far East by 7-10 days and opened up access to the resources of the Middle East & East Asia to Germany.

    The 18631218 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria 01 may well have been a trigger point (I still have doubts) but not the cause.

    The researcher that chooses to ignore these facts, chooses only to propagate the original propaganda and is only misleading themselves and others by ignoring all logic and reason.

    The same thing occurred with the 2 Boer Wars, where the British Empire could not stand the Dutch & Germans farmers having access to the resources of South Africa. The 2 Boer Wars were started purely to satisfy the greed of Briton, 18530705 Cecil John Rhodes 01 & the De Beers Brothers 01.

    Is it only coincidence that the same family names keep popping up when researching this stuff, I think not.

    The same principle was used in with WW2.

    Wars are engineered by a greedy few for wealth & power.
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