remove magistrate ron saines for muslim bias, page-6

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    ... because Magistrate Saines won't

    Geelong Magistrate Ron Saines has just thrown out all charges against this Afghani illegal immigrant. Police had claimed he attempted to kidnap a 4 year-old girl by snatching her from her father and brother.

    Convicted paedophile, Ali Jaffari (pictured) was allowed to walk free by Magistrate Saines although the repeat offender is certain to resume his sexual addiction to children.

    Ali Jaffari was also found guilty last year of child molestation.

    Magistrate Saines said he had “trouble” finding Jaffari guilty of the kidnapping charge due to "cultural differences". And those differences could very well be legally considered a "mitigating factor" in his attempt to snatch the little girl.

    Magistrate Saines also claimed the case against Jaffari, "fell short of criminality"."

    What a disgraceful decision.

    "When apprehended, Jaffari informed police of his cultural view on children: "For us it is not an issue", he said.

    Jaffari had been found guilty last August, in the same Geelong courthouse, for indecent assault on a young boy and an attempted indecent assault on another.

    After being found guilty of these earlier offences, Jaffari was ordered to comply with a "two-year Community Corrections Order” and to perform community work.

    It seems Australian magistrates have more respect for the paedophile cultures of illegal Islamic immigrants than they do for our innocent kids."

    The man is an illegal refugee, so why hasn't he been sent back for breaking our laws and showing extreme disrespect for our culture that abhors such activities. Where are the Australian based Imams on this? They too are failing in their duty to this country if they do not speak out against such criminal behaviour.

    No wonder Russell Pridgeon is starting a single issue Anti-paedophile Party.As he says Australian judges are notoriously lenient when it comes to paedophiles.
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