Renewable energy, page-40

  1. 4,015 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    Hi Acorn

    "It's a pity he is flipping the bird to the feds on this one . Instead of working with them he is working against them , kind of .
    It would have been better if he'd done this in consultation with the feds so that it could be an Australian project that we might get plenty of global exposure with ."

    That is a nonsense argument. The Feds don't have a policy. All they want to do is political point scoring and nutters on these sites just lap it up.
    if you had watched QA on Monday night, you would have seen the Federal Minister tell us how our businesses are paying 3 times those of ASIA for Energy. And of course according to him that is Labor's fault. What he failed to tell you that they are paying 3 times less than us because they are using Australian Gas. We are swimming on Gas, and our Asian friends get charged 1/3 of what we get charged. Its all the Green's fault! Geez we have some bright posters here. You would think that if you are being screwed you would at least look up at the people actually screwing you.
    Fraser introduced the "World Parity Prices" to encourage exploration. But with gas we are well and truly being done over.

    I love it when learned posters tell us that SA pays the highest price for electricity! Sure about that? Is there a universal price that we are comparing it to? Is it higher than the rich inner suburbs of Melbourne or the outer suburbs of Melbourne? No matter how many quotes or how much I bash my head against the wall, I pay 30% more for Electricity in Rowville (South East Melbourne) than I can negotiate for our employees who live in Hawthorn and surrounding inner suburbs. And I can assure you that any manufacturing industries that we may have left, are not in the inner suburbs.

    People may rant and rave about renewables, but unless we embrace them (and stop the crap that it is either/or rather than "and") this country is going to be left behind. As usual! We have natural advantages in mining, farming and renewables that we should be taking advantage of (not being taken advantage of by foreigners) for Australians first. But no, we just want to dig a hole in the ground and send the stuff overseas for whatever they wish to pay for it.

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