is a bit like share traders following the latest "hot" stock...

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    is a bit like share traders following the latest "hot" stock -

    and, like lemmings, they all fall over the cliff in the process.

    But it'll be too late.
    For they'll have run after the new - the untried - the "hot tip" - the new craze!! And done their dough!

    only to get fizzle, downbeat, dropping prices, and awful, gut wrenching diasppointment. And they didn't use their stop loss!!

    And they'll get dropping everything else too!!

    Dropping economy, dropping parliamentary behaviour standards, dropping in just about everything the competents have spent long hard years of sweat in building up!

    A strong economy! TA TA - that'll soon be but a memory. They'll run through that surplus like a knife through butter!

    And it'll be four (yes they'll make it FOUR) long dreary years of everyone wondering - why did I buy that??

    And then there is Garrett's GIANT gaffe - (so down played by the Left Wing Media Party) when he was trying to big note himself to Steve Price of all people (how stupid can you get??) - with the probable TRUTH -and that is that Labor will change many of these "me too" policies they are now dangling under our (stupid) noses as carrots, WHEN THEY GET IN - to quote Garrett!!
    And that would be typically Labor devious behaviour!
    Get ourselves installed at all costs - then we'll do what we "Ruddy" well like. And they can!!

    Because, when you're actually IN - AND have the advantage of being a National wall to wall Australian Monopoly - you CAN do what you bleed+++g well like!!

    Funny how people are so outspoken about business monopolies - yet seem to see nothing wrong (or dangerous) about Australia having a political one!! Or they don't want to see it - because of their political persuasions - it doesn't suit them to see it and allow it's dangerous.

    Such a monopoly is surely the most dangerous sistuiaon into which Australia could put itself!! Goodbye to so-called democracy!

    Wall to wall Labor!! Yes folks - looks like the Circus is coming to town!!
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