cortisfor anybody who wants to read this thread - they should...

  1. 29,791 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    for anybody who wants to read this thread - they should think about the following (watso had it on another thread)
    for all those who say that the libs have to repair the damage after the labs have been in - just look at the following numbers (from the net)

    Consider these numbers. When the Fraser government, of which Howard was the long-running treasurer, fell in March 1983, GDP growth was running at -2.5 per cent a year, inflation was 11.4 per cent, unemployment 9.9 per cent, cash rates 16.7per cent and housing interest rates 12.5 per cent. The profit share was 18.1 per cent and the wages share was 61.1 per cent.

    When the Keating government fell in March 1996, GDP growth was running at 4.9 per cent, inflation at 3.7 per cent, unemployment at 8.2per cent, cash rates at 7.52 and housing interest rates at 10.5 per cent. The profit share was 23.2 per cent and the wages share was 55.4per cent.

    The numbers tell the story. The Hawke and Keating governments, with the active and constructive engagement of Australia trade union leadership and membership, rebuilt the economy from the steaming wreckage left by the Fraser government into the powerhouse it still is, despite the dumbed-down policies of the Howard Government. Howard trade-union bogy is bogus: always was, still is.


    ok cortis - so it seems that when hawke/ keating came in, they replaced the incompetents (with howard as treasurer), with visionary competence. yes, it was the labs who turned a basket case into something worth having.

    remember that howard ran 4 budget deficits out of the five budgets that he handed down - - yes, what a great job the labs did, in turning the economy around

    suggest cortis, that you stop listening to the liberal spin - because that is all that it is - sheer spin

    mmm - what a gem that was by keating - introducing compulsory superannuation - one reason why watso could retire before pension age

    lab actually are more in tune with the average australian - something which might be a bit hard for the lawyer dominated libs to understand.

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