Cortis,Quite well put.If the union bosses manage to seize power...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Quite well put.

    If the union bosses manage to seize power in Australia under a puppet labor party Federal regime with concurrent total control of all state governments by puppet labor party fronts, we may indeed be witnessing the death of democracy as we know it in Australia.

    Democracy is fragile and must be defended in order to remain workable.
    It is incredibly foolish to put our faith in some aging rock star and various obviously evasive talking puppets to preserve this democracy for us.

    In the unlikely case that this potential catastrophe unfolds as the media is attempting to convince us it could, then the primary enabling partner complicit in this overthrough of the democratic election system in Australia will be the radical lefist elements within the 24 hour news/entertainment/media complex.

    Such an overthrow of our system of checks and balances could be coup with uminaginable and dangerous consequences.

    The union bosses have ordered this strategy of asymetric warfare adopted directly from the al-queda training manual and indeed this could represent a major victory for some of the methods the terrorists have developed and perfected.

    Eisenhower, during the early days of the cold war, pointed out the dangers of the military-industrial complex to US democracy. His expressed fears were relevent and valid but the checks and balances of the US democratic system largely nullified the threat they presented.

    In Australia, is the current biggest threat to our democratic system the union bosses, who are really just petty thugs that have managed to gain control of an equally incompetent labor party leadership, or is it the undue power accumlated and held by the 24 hour news/entertainment/media complex.

    Many of the reporters and maybe also the editors, hold radical far-left agendas and seem determined to use the power they have on what Australians see, read, hear in a continous 24 hour barrage, to push their own personal political and social views and agendas down the public's throat.

    The 24 hour news/entertainment/media complex creates a narrative or template, through which they filter all events, announcements, news and decide which points to highlight or supress so that the news is made to fit and support the template they have created.

    A continous 24 hour a day barrage from all sides bombards the Australian voter with the created narrative and eventually, this created narrative becomes the story that many people unthinkingly absorb to some degree as fact.

    It is the path of least resistence to most people and is almost Orwellian in the potential for brainwashing a population.

    Will this upcoming election be a major victory for the opponents of democracy pushing their own radical and unacceptable agenda and enabling a union boss seizure of power, or will John Howard's government manage to stem the tide and be returned to government to provide us with continuing safety and prosperity?

    Stay tuned folks for the next exciting installment, and dont touch that dial....
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