replacing competents with incompetents, page-8

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    sounds like me - but isn't!

    I cannot believe that Australians have become THIS stupid - this blase - this naive??

    Is this what our grandads and great grandads all fought for. This couldn't care less mediocrity?? And this about to disappear democracy??

    But then, looking at the pap Aussies are being fed on free-to air television - which they soak up slavishly without protest -one does wonder - everything now seems to be aimed at the lowest common denominator.

    And you are right - there is an active and not too subtle THIRD political party working out there pushing their agenda day in and day out - the Left Wing Media Party!!!

    What an asset they are to Kev and Co!!
    And boy are they POWERFUL!! And they have heaps of disciples!! O'Brien, Jones, Grattan, Oakes, Carribine on AW - the whole the list goes on and on.

    And boy, are they doing a good job with the brainwashing!!

    They will get Rudd in at all costs - or die in the attempt!
    (The fact he is highly inexpereinced and, imo, unsuitable personality wise, is irrelevant to them.
    Just get their candidate in - and their policies in place.
    (The ones which are going to be changed - for the REAL ones!!) After the event.

    win at all costs. How - it doesn't matter!

    The Australian - the Age - rhe Sydney Morning Herald -almost ALL major newsrags are now all very actively Left!! Even the Melbirbe Dun is moving much more to the Left. IS this what we want - and need - at this present moment - in the world view of terrorism, etc??

    What is wrong with OZ - and where is the fire in the belly to fight this insidious and pervasive Left Wing propaganda constantly being forced down our throats wall to wall and daily!!

    Boy - one person who will be delighted - our dear old friend Bin Laden!! Right up HIS alley!!

    He'll be ROFLHAO!!!!

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