TAW 0.00% 31.0¢ tawana resources nl

Uncut gemAdjacent to De Beers’ South African Finsch diamond...

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    Uncut gem
    Adjacent to De Beers’ South African Finsch diamond mine, TAW has
    a 40% interest with BHP Billiton in the diamondiferous Daniel
    alluvials and kimberlite projects, and a 100% interest in other
    diamondiferous alluvials and kimberlites in the district.
    Project schedule
    2005 Quarters





    Feeder channel bauer drilling Alluvial ------
    Feeder channel processing Alluvial --------- ---------
    Eastern gravels percussion drilling Alluvial ------
    Eastern gravels bauer drilling Alluvial ----- -----
    Eastern gravels processing Alluvial --- --------- ---
    Scoping study Alluvial --- --------- --

    Test plant construction Kimberlite --- ----------- ---
    KV sample processing Kimberlite ----- -----
    PV sample processing Kimberlite -------- ---
    Source: Tawana Resources

    Diamondiferous Daniel alluvials and Falcon kimberlite targets
    Tawana has a 40% interest (BHPB 60%) in the Main Channel of the diamondiferous
    Daniel alluvials project, which is located 4 km from De Beers Finsch mine, and
    extends over 7km downstream, up to 2km wide. The main focus for this project is
    evaluation of potential kimberlite targets, defined by BHPB’s proprietary FalconR
    system. Drilling is scheduled for mid 2005.
    Early development options for alluvials
    TAW has a 100% interest in the Feeder Channel upstream of the Main Channel, and
    in the Eastern Gravels, with BHPB holding a 2.5% royalty. Drilling of 2.5m diameter
    holes in the Feeder Channel has recovered 217 diamonds, the largest 1.54cts, from
    processing 28% of the 9,000 cubic metres extracted by Bauer drilling. In the Eastern
    Gravels, processing 15% of the 4,000 cubic metres of material from drilling has
    recovered 42 diamonds with the largest 2.02cts. Processing continues, and ongoing
    drilling will evaluate potentially high grade alluvial “potholes”, and underlying
    kimberlite targets.
    Determining grade, size distribution and value
    The preliminary feasibility study into the Kareevlei Wes and Perdevlei diamond
    projects will be completed Dec Q ‘05. Processing of 6,500 tonnes of kimberlite from
    the 5 Kareevlei pipes has commenced to more accurately define the grade, stone size
    distribution and value. Previous work involving underground exploration and sampling
    of the K1 pipe – one of the two Perdevlei diamondiferous kimberlites – returned
    grades of 15 to 18 cts per hundred tonnes, and as with Kareevlei, TAW will continue
    to process kimberlilte to more accurately define grade, size distribution and value.
    Corporate & finance
    TAW reported cash of A$2.3m at 31 March. Now that the processing plant has been
    completed it can maintain its evaluation programme until the exercise of A$0.75
    options in November, which will contribute a further A$13m. Further funding is
    required to step up the programme.
    Chris Brown
    ABN AMRO Equities Australia Limited
    +61 7 3334 4885
    [email protected]
    John Moorhead
    +61 7 3334 4557
    [email protected]
    Important disclosures regarding companies that are the subject
    of this report and an explanation of recommendations and
    volatility can be found at the end of this document.
    Priced at close of business 8 June 2005.
    ABN AMRO Morgans Limited (A.B.N. 49 010 669 726) AFSL235410 A Participant of ASX Group

    Market capitalisation
    Avg (12mth) daily turnover
    Wednesday 8 June 2005
    Tawana Resources (TAW)
    T A W A N A R E S O U R C E S N L 8 J U N E 2 0 0 5 2
    Tawana Resources NL (TAW) holds diamond exploration and evaluation projects in
    South Africa, Australia and Botswana. Recent results have focused the company on
    the projects in the Limeacre district, approximately 130km west of Kimberley, South
    Africa, centred on De Beers’ Finsch Diamond Mine. The Finsch mine commenced
    operations in the mid 1960s, and is currently in production at 2 million carats per
    year. It is the largest kimberlite pipe in the Kimberley region with a surface area of
    17.9 hectares.
    Drilling and sampling programs undertaken by Tawana confirm that the Daniel
    gravels downstream from the Finsch mine are diamondiferous. Proprietary Falcon
    geophysical surveys undertaken by BHP Billiton identified a number of anomalies
    interpreted as kimberlite pipes, beneath the diamondiferous alluvials. The drilling and
    sampling of the alluvials by Tawana has supported this interpretation.
    Tawana has a structured joint venture with BHP Billiton within the defined area for
    both alluvials and kimberlite pipes. It holds a 30% interest in the exploration for
    kimberlite pipes, which it can increase to 40% by taking a 25 tonne bulk sample of a
    kimberlite. It also holds a 40% interest in the alluvials, sourced in part from the
    eroded Finsch diamond pipe. In a move designed to enable TAW to move into early
    production at a lower size threshold than is of interest to BHP Billiton, BHPB has
    ceded a 100% interest in two of the alluvial areas within the joint venture area – the
    Feeder Channel and the Eastern Gravels – to Tawana, subject to a 2.5% gross
    TAW is currently processing material from these alluvials to evaluate the
    commerciality of diamond production from the Feeder Channel and the Eastern
    Gravels. It is also evaluating the Falcon-defined kimberlite pipe targets beneath the
    Main Channel of the Daniel alluvials in which it has a 40% interest (BHP Billiton 60%)
    as well as beneath the Feeder Channel, and drilling has now commenced.
    A Dense Media Separation Plant has been constructed to enable TAW to evaluate the
    Kareevlei Wes kimberlite pipes and the Perdevlei pipes. Both lie outside the BHP
    Billiton joint venture area. The initial evaluation has proven positive, and the current
    programme is designed to determine the grade, stone size distribution and value of
    the diamonds from the KV2 and 3 pipes at Kareevlei, and the K1 pipe at Perdevlei.
    Map 1 : Project overview – Limeacre district
    Source: Tawana Resources
    T A W A N A R E S O U R C E S N L 8 J U N E 2 0 0 5 3
    South African projects
    Daniel Alluvial Project – TAW 40%, BHPB 60%
    The currently accepted geological model is that 1,400m of the originally emplaced
    Finsch pipe has been eroded, with this 2.1 billion tonnes of diamondiferous kimberlite
    estimated to contain US$170 billion of diamonds. Some of the material, including
    diamonds, is transported to the ocean. Much of the pipe material (and associated
    diamonds) is deposited in the stream and river valley, and forms diamondiferous
    alluvial deposits.
    The Main Channel was located by BHP Billiton’s proprietary Falcon airborne gravity
    gradiometer survey technique, and has an interpreted length over 7km and a width
    over 1km. The Bow River Mine in Western Australia, which was an alluvial channel
    fed from the Argyle deposit, was 5.5km long and 1km wide.
    TAW is operator of the Daniel Alluvial Project, with a 40% interest. Sampling by
    percussion drilling has proven the Main Channel alluvials to be diamondiferous, with
    the diamonds distributed throughout the alluvial profile, and not restricted to the
    Map 2 : Landsat image of TAW projects
    Source: Tawana Resources
    Feeder Channel and Eastern Gravels – TAW 100%, BHPB 2.5% royalty
    These two project areas contain more limited volumes of alluvial material than the
    Main Channel. As with the Main Channel, the bedrock is dolomite, and drilling
    confirms the formation of “potholes” which can provide preferential depositional sites
    leading to higher diamond concentrations in the alluvial material. Both project areas
    have been drilled with Bauer rigs, which drill 2.5m diameter holes, and recover
    significant quantities of alluvium.
    T A W A N A R E S O U R C E S N L 8 J U N E 2 0 0 5 4
    The Feeder Channel is estimated to contain 100 million tonnes of material, and to
    date 93 holes have been drilled to recover 8,728 cubic metres. Of this, approximately
    2,500 cubic metres has been processed, with 217 diamonds recovered. The largest
    stone is 1.54 cts. These results confirm the presence of the pot holes in the profile,
    and have also confirmed higher grades associated with these traps.
    In the Eastern Gravels, containing an estimated 80 million tonnes, 3,819 cubic
    metres of material has been recovered by Bauer drilling, with 570 tonnes processed.
    This has yielded 42 diamonds, with the largest stone 2.02 cts, and the highest grade
    reported from surface.
    To eliminate the nugget effect on sampling, and accurately predict mining grades,
    stone size distribution and carat value, further processing and sampling is required.
    This is now underway, with a scoping study scheduled for completion in the
    December 2005 quarter.
    Daniel Kimberlites – TAW 40%, BHPB 60%
    TAW currently has a 30% interest in the Daniel Kimberlite Project, covering
    exploration for and exploitation of kimberlite pipes within the joint venture area. This
    area incorporates the area of the alluvials as well as surrounding areas. TAW can
    earn a further 10% in the project by taking a 25t bulk sample. BHPB has flown the
    region with their proprietary Falcon technology and identified a number of gravity
    Kimberlites are readily weathered and commonly from topographic depressions.
    Drilling of the alluvials, and analysis of the bedrock profile, confirms that some
    circular structures identified by the Falcon survey are coincident with areas where the
    depth to bedrock is greater than would be anticipated. In a number of cases, drilling
    was unable to penetrate to fresh bedrock. In at least one instance, high diamond
    grades were reported from samples at the bottom of the hole.
    Profile 1 : Cross section of northern feeder channel
    Source: Tawana Resources
    The A65 anomlay is coincident with a crater-like pothole, 5km south of the Finsch
    mine. It is located beneath the Feeder Channel alluvials, and covers an area of 18 ha,
    compared with the Finsch pipe’s 17.9ha.
    The A64 anomaly is 200m south of A65, with an area of seven hectares. The third
    target, A31, is a 19ha anomaly located 3km south-west of Finsch.
    T A W A N A R E S O U R C E S N L 8 J U N E 2 0 0 5 5
    Kareevlei Wes and Perdevlei kimberlites – TAW 100%
    Outside the Daniel Project Area, TAW has a 100% interest in the Kareevlei Wes and
    Perdevlei kimberlites. Kareevlei Wes comprises a cluster of five kimberlite pipes which
    vary in size from 5.8ha to 0.3ha. Previous work has shown two of these pipes to be
    diamondiferous. The pipes at Kareevlei Wes are of interest because of the relatively
    large size of the pipes in the cluster and the exceptional quality of the contained
    diamonds. A 40.9ct parcel of diamonds has been judged as containing 85% gems,
    with an average value of all the diamonds at US$116 per carat. In late 2004, a bulk
    sample of 6,500t was taken from the five pipes to a depth of 40m. Construction of a
    Dense Media Separation Plant is nearing completion, allowing testing of the sample to
    begin in late May. Based on the results, a project pre-feasibility study will be
    prepared, with TAW contracting Snowden Mining Consultants to facilitate this study.
    The Perdevlei project comprises two kimberlite pipes which are both known to be
    diamondiferous. Further analysis and re-treatment of some of the bulk sample
    acquired in 2003 is required to confirm grades, stone size distribution and average
    diamond values. Based on the results, TAW expects to complete a pre-feasibility
    study incorporating operating and capital costs on one of the pipes by October 2005.
    The Perdevlei and Kareevlei Wes pipes are 25kms apart, allowing any potential mine
    development to share the X-Ray treatment plant and saving overheads, capital and
    surveillance costs.
    Australian Projects
    Timber Creek, NT – TAW 100%
    The cluster of 5 kimberlites was discovered by Stockdale Prospecting, De Beers’
    exploration subsidiary, in the early 1990s, and retains the right to purchase a 70%
    interest by paying TAW an amount three times their exploration expenditure.
    Diamonds were recovered from the TC 1 pipe, as well as from two of the other
    intrusions. Stockdale subsequently drilled the TC1 pipe to a depth of 60m, and
    interpreted a grade in excess of 100 carats per hundred tonnes (cpht), with modest
    diamond values and coloured stones. Processing of a bulk sample of 3,802 tonnes
    recovered 17,387 diamonds with an aggregate weight of 839 cts – 22 cpht.
    While this remains an attractive project, it ranks below the South African projects.
    Flinders Island and Eyre Peninsula , South Australia – TAW 80%
    Flinders Island was originally targeted by TAW, and represented a high priority target
    at the time of listing on the ASX. Soil sampling identified kimberlite indicator
    minerals. This was followed by the discovery of 7 diamonds at surface locations. A
    drilling programme tested 11 targets, with an anomaly west of the Gem Pan area
    returning highly encouraging mineral assemblages. Subsequent geophysical testing
    has defined an anomaly, which was further tested by drilling. A concentration of
    kimberlite indicators was confirmed by this work.
    Tenements on Eyre Peninsula, considered geologically similar to Flinders Island, were
    subsequently acquired in partnership with Orogenic Minerals (20%), the JV partner in
    Flinders Island. Sampling has reported encouraging mineral assemblages, indicative
    of the presence of kimberlites.
    While both of these remain attractive projects, they are less advanced than the South
    African projects.
    T A W A N A R E S O U R C E S N L 8 J U N E 2 0 0 5 6
    Botswana diamond exploration.
    TAW has been granted Exploration Licences covering 2,000 square kilometres
    extending from the Orapa diamond mine in the west to diamondiferous kimberlites in
    South Africa and Zimbabwe. Kimberlite indicators have been recovered from soils
    overlying geophysical targets. This is highly prospective ground, at an early stage of
    The people
    Managing Director – Wolf Marx has been a Board Member since 1998 and has over 25
    years experience in geology, particularly in exploration for gold and diamonds. Wolf
    was a part of the team to discover the Bow River diamond mine and the Aries
    Chairman – Brian Phillips recently joined the board of TAW and brings wide technical
    and corporate experience gained as a mining engineer and director with Australian
    mining companies will benefit Tawana enormously as we move forward. Brian was
    the Managing Director of MPI Mines until the takeover from LionOre in December
    2004 and is currently the Non-Executive Chai of Leviathan Resources and Indophil
    Director Operations – Leon Daniels is a South African national living in Botswana who
    has over 25 years experience in gold and diamond mining exploration. Leon has
    discovered many kimberlites in Botswana and South Africa.
    At the end of the March quarter, Tawana had A$2.36m cash. Current rates of
    expenditure on exploration are $250k per month and $200k per month will see this
    cash reserve last until November 2005. TAW currently has 18.3m options on issue
    with an A$0.75 strike price and 30 November expiry. Exercise of these options will
    raise A$13.5m at that time.
    With their surface location, easy mineability and low capital expenditure for startup,
    the type of deposits currently being evaluated by TAW provide an excellent
    opportunity for early cash flow.
    T A W A N A R E S O U R C E S N L 8 J U N E 2 0 0 5 7

    SOPHIE MITCHELL - Director, Head of Research
    CHRIS BROWN - Senior Analyst
    FIONA BUCHANAN - Analyst
    MICHAEL KNOX - Director of Strategy & Chief Economist
    GRANT McCASKER - Analyst – Fixed Interest
    AMANDA MILLER - Senior Analyst
    BELINDA MOORE - Analyst
    JOHN MOORHEAD - Trainee Analyst
    SCOTT POWER - Senior Analyst
    TANYA SOLOMON - Analyst
    REBECCA SULLIVAN - Retail Strategist
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    Subject companies: TAW.AX
    Mentioned companies: BHP.AX, TAW.AX
    ABN AMRO Morgans was Lead Manager to the placement of ordinary shares by Tawana Resources NL in June 2005 and received fees in this regard.
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