Research into ISIS in Muslim countries, page-5

  1. 8,237 Posts.
    What is interesting is the number of Christians with a favourable view of IS.

    I've alluded to this before, but this article sums up very nicely what I think is going on.

    In an earlier phase of the “war on terror”, some American social conservatives openly expressed their admiration of the sexual mores they identified with Islam. In 2004, Pat Buchanan, Reagan’s former communication adviser and now a widely published paleoconservative commentator, explained that on questions of sexual morality “conservative Americans have more in common with devout Muslims than with liberal Democrats”.
    This, Buchanan suggested, was the basis of an alliance against common foes.
    “If conservatives reject the ‘equality’ preached by Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, NARAL and the National Organization for Women, why seek to impose it on the Islamic world?” He wrote. “Why not stand beside Islam, and against Hollywood and Hillary?”


    Cruz is not D’Souza, or even Houellebecq. He’s not going to argue, as D’Souza did, that conservatives should support conservative Muslims against the blasphemies of Dutch cartoonists. On the contrary, Cruz takes every opportunity to ridicule and insult Muslims. But his Islamophilia is the love that dare not speak its name and he cannot help a sneaking envy for Isis’s willingness, unlike the “pussified” US, to massacre civilians.
    “It’s said,” writes Grayson Clary, “that ‘Africa’ is Europe’s name for its own worst impulses; ‘Islam’ might be the name traditionalists give their own unfinished ambitions.”
    You can feel the same unspoken desire in so many of the conservative think-pieces that have appeared after the Paris murders. It’s not that the writers approve of Isis. Obviously, they don’t. They see it as a threat – but they’re also fascinated by its apparent success in overcoming the decadence of modernity.

    Thus, they begin by asserting the Islamists’ hatred for liberalism and its manifestations, but quickly move on to bemoaning the developed world’s multiculturalism and political correctness and moral relativism and general spinelessness:
    Why don’t westerners believe in anything any more?
    Why won’t they stand up for their values and their traditions?
    Why do they spurn traditional mores and sexual standards and religion?
    Why aren’t they prepared to fight, to sacrifice themselves for their nation and their cause?
    The conclusion generally hovers unasked in the air: why aren’t they less modern and more, well … Islamic?
    Oceans of ink have flowed into articles pondering why young people sign up for murderous Islamist groups. Actually, the attraction the jihadis exert over radicalised youths probably isn’t that different from the sentiment oozing from the conservative press: a profound disaffection with liberal modernity.
    Last edited by perseng: 02/12/15
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