AJX 8.33% 1.3¢ alexium international group limited

Research Report and More, page-87

  1. 1,505 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    As many of us discussed that 20 times being very conservative....

    Came across an old article on Resemd back in 2005 talking about their dual listings, in it they state a $50m NPAT and market cap of $2.5b. Back then SP was $1.80 today $9.30.

    Should AJX pull off these numbers then the next 4 years, which US military could do on its own, the share price will see explosive growth. Given the size of the the markets they have available, then like RMD that $2.5b MC could very well be just the beginning.
    Last edited by splitview: 20/03/15
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1.3¢ 176593 1
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