Research wasted in Australia

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    In a report by Science Lobby in Australia, it concluded most research funding was wasted employing local research scientists


    SCIENCE LOBBY wanted to put all the unemployed research science graduates in Australia into meaningful research jobs, however before we could assess the funds required for the project, we felt the need to know how many were actually unemployed.

    We contacted all those we considered should have known or had access to some statistics such as ABS, CSIRO,  the ARC Australian Research Council and NHMRC National Health & Medical Research Council several times and most of the Universities, however, none were forthcoming with any information whatsoever. Is it any wonder the media can exaggerate numbers when no one in academia is in the least interested to seek out actual figures.?

    Well since making those inquiries we eventually received a reply from Jobs Outlook which based its findings on figures produced by the ABS Labour Force Survey and their conclusion was that figures of unemployed Medical Laboratory Research Scientists were so low they were not worth counting and "they were likely to be in the order of hundreds."

    This equated to an official full employment and if correct there would no further capacity to expand research in Australia without causing salary inflation and could partly explain why no-one in the profession wanted to co-operate to establish accurate numbers of unemployed.  
    This result raised too many other questions but for now the next step is to find reputable capacity overseas to carry out research no yet being conducted in Australia and also to try find out if some Research institutes are wasting money by working on similar research without collaborating with overseas research institutes.
    I attended the Alzheimer's Association Lecture on 14th March 2017 sponsored by the Wicking Trust managed by Equity Trustees on the topic of Dementia - An Urgent International Priority. Mr Harry Johns President of the American Alzheimers Association suggested that he was encouraging collaboration so that all could share the research being conducted in USA and Europe, however judging on how secretive the scientific community has shown to be with divulging simple statistics in Australia, I'll reserve my judgement if everything is being shared.   Email: [email protected]

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