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Originally posted by Scarpa
When I first read this I thought the 1 million viewers was an error given the statement FMA is the holder of the World Cup licence rights in Indonesia and Indosat and Oredoo is the holder of broadcast rights over internet protocol (to which TV2U is seeking to attach itself to through its Ivan-X web. My issue is 1 million viewers in a soccer mad country with over 200 million people (so wherelse are the Indonesians getting access to the World Cup from and where). I'll leave it at that. Nice action today, but need a move-along orelse just can't see much revenue coming in as obviously the Indonesians are sourcing their world cup access from somewhere else and what is left will be lost to TV2u unless a hurry up is done. Another week gone with little said. All IMO
Im really unsure what you are getting at in your first statement?? I see it as a massive positive, i think the 1 million is an extremely conservative and could well be millions more than this. Also the indo population is well north of 260 million!
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