CDU 0.00% 23.5¢ cudeco limited

reserves, page-2

  1. 46,902 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8947
    Shadow are you not splitting hairs ? - CDU obviously have a mineral resource in varying degrees of " estimation " under the JORC code , indicated , inferred and measured , No they do not have an " ore Reserve " which is an even higher level of conservatism in the " estimation " so you would expect the tonnage to be below the current 30 mt tonnage quoted in the measured and indicated -

    We do not know how much copper CDU have and their mineral resource estimation is clouded even further by adopting cu/eq method of reporting -I am yet to be convinced they can commercially extract and sell the cobalt at a profit and I am almost certain they wont be selling magnetite for a very long time - So how much copper and gold do they have ???? much more than their last mineral resource statement according to the punters on these threads - Time will tell if the nugget theory and undiscovered not included bonanza zones will prove this " hunch " correct.

    Very interested to hear what response Ozblue gets from the company regarding the $$$$ ore inventory number in the financials,

    Re suing the Crusher maker I wonder if that will go the same way as this ?

    Cudeco drops $200m lawsuit against hot copper

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Currently unlisted public company.

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