resign if you have any self respect left

  1. 1,584 Posts.

    Below is an excerpt from the interview with Laurie Oakes on Sunday 4 July, 2010 during which Simon Crean admitted that Julia Gillard DESIGNED the asylum seeker policy that overturned the Howard policy that effectively deterred people smuggling.

    Gillard used the failure of HER policy to help unseat Mr Rudd.

    Now, if justice is to be done, the repeated failure of this pretence of a policy should result in the resignation of this pretence of a prime minister.

    (Sir) Lunchalot
    Scoffer Extraordinaire

    LO: OK. Well following what you say was not a backdown on the mining tax, Julia Gillard says her next job is to deal with the asylum seeker issue and the issue of boats coming into Australia and she says she's not going to worry about political correctness in doing that.

    Now, what do you think she means by that and what do you think should be done about this asylum seeker boats?

    SC: .......on the asylum seeker issue Laurie, this is something that Julia Gillard has enormous knowledge about.

    When I appointed her to the front bench, I gave her the specific task of re-writing or developing Labor's response to this very difficult question, so I've got no doubt, not only does she understand the issues that she will come up with an appropriate I'm convinced knowing in the discussions I had when I was leader with her, I'm convinced that not only does she understand the issues she will be able to address this in a sensible and balanced way as well.

    LO: Of course, the policy she developed for you is basically the policy of the Rudd Government which got Kevin Rudd into trouble....

    full text at:

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