resign if you have any self respect left, page-117

  1. 7,659 Posts.
    Does Abbott have the guts to stand up for Australia and say enough is enough and start calling for a new election, or is he going to go down this wishy washy political correctness path and not call a spade a spade, what is he scared of, Gillard? the Media the public? if he would just have the courage step up and take some REAL ACTION and say what he really means, then he would find out it would pay of, as this is what Australia is crying out for, GOOD LEADERSHIP NOT POLITICAL CORRECTNESS and we would be rid of this rotten weak pathetic and cowardly government.

    Basically Abbott needs to take a risk by confronting Gillard and calling for her head, because the snake is mortally wounded and needs to be finished of quick smart.

    Talking about snakes my cattle dog mortally wounded one tonight on our patio, so I did the humane thing and put it out of its misery!
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