Resource Sector 2018-2020 Hindsight Review of Eastwest101's basic research notes (Mar 2018)

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    OK - so the good thing about old PC's is sometimes you find old research data that was abandoned and you can "back test" some of your own theories and inherent biases which can help you invest and trade better.

    Here is a list of targets that I was looking at back in March 2018 and now with the close of 2020 I thought it would be fun to update review and populate these notes and see how the original research has stood up. Due to a few horrid consolidations I had to manually adjust a few to reflect their true "performance". Bear in mind that I'm a long term buy and hold investor and obviously my portfolio strongly skews towards the resource sector. I did put in some more vanilla or blue chip stocks in the mix just as an interesting comparison. Note that I did dip into some of these but others I did not. Its a long time-frame from Mar 2018 to Dec 2020 but does cover a gold bull run and and emerging possible base metal run as well as some marked price movements in base metals and oil, gas and coal.

    Once this was done I started to see some common themes emerging that won't surprise many here. These macroeconomic themes such as the Trump bump, Trump trade wars, low interest rates, rise of China, endless money printing without any inflation, variable investor sentiments and flow of money into other "hot" sectors e.g. Pot stocks, BNPL, Bitcoin etc and recent Covid-19 effects have all played a part.

    Now the traditional approach is to look at things from the "top down" overview of commodity prices (supply, demand, substituion etc) and exchange rates and monetary policy and look at them as large scale trends that effect all companies to a greater or lesser extent. And then to do the bottom up research of fundamentals such as market capitalization, shares on offer, target commodities, prospectivity of ground, sovereign risks, ease of exploration, execution of exploration and development and construction of mines. These can all be lumped under the term "things that management can control" to some degree.

    Anyway - the common themes I saw were:

    1. Good management tend to execute well (in drilling, negotiations, capital raises, timing of M&A and purchasing assets) - even some of the most ordinary ground with only modest grade resources can be explored and additional resources proven up and even operations taken into production. Bad management cannot bring the best orebody to a profitable transaction or a mine, someone usually has to do something to pry it from their hands and make something happen.

    2. Commodity price manipulation by interruptions in supply or demand, weather events, disasters at mines and regulatory interference seem to be a common theme. People are still occasionally coming unstuck with their hedging and toll treatment/smelter charges, its been proven over the last 20-30 years that hedging contractors/smelters and financiers are nearly always the smartest guys in the room (or they have the best lawyers) and not the mining company executives, its like they keep on challenging Novak Djokovic to a game of tennis and are surprised each time that they lose....

    3. Good orebodies get taken over cheaply, sometimes/often before the market wakes up. Any outrageously profitable orebody in a slightly dodgy jurisdiction seems to exponentially increase this risk.

    4. Agile management who flit from one trendy commodity to another either come unstuck by inadvisable purchases/JV arrangements, selling assets too cheaply, but the few good "deal makers" can get themselves into a position where a major rerate and wealth creation takes place.  The recent Covid-19 travel restrictions have really shown some responsive companies have abandoned exotic overseas exploration projects and come back "home" and drilled within WA, sometimes with success. Wheras other lifestyle companies have taken the opportunity to take a 12 month holiday from any meaningful field work and have just eaten up capital even with exploration projects untouched inside Australia.

    5. Watch what your company does before and after negotiating a JV earn-in or farm-out. Do they keep exposure to old ground and is their timing right when/if they dispose of this equity or ground?

    6. Any company where you are trying to guess if they are drilling, and where they are drilling, without it being plain to see by reading a company announcements is a concern. It either means management are drilling with some other  share price/options agenda and not a geological reason, or they are incapable of communicating the geological reason to drill there, and if they can't communicate that geological reason, then you may wonder if its worth drilling at all?

    7. The market is not logical - it can overshoot or undershoot on valuations for extended periods despite newer newsflow changing the story. Other posters have made some very good points about demonstrating the effect of companies going in and out of a mandated index i.e. GDXJ. Index hugging can move markets and like a blind elephant in a China shop - be aware of this around index rebalancing time.

    8 . Execution risk still matters, despite a good JORC code and reporting standards, a bad resource practitioner can turn a "no brainer" planned profitable mine into an unviable  exploration project if they get it wrong, hundreds of these are done each year, there seems to be about 2-3 spectacular failures of this sort every year, sometimes more, sometimes less. And its not all the resource geologists fault, a bad mining contractor, lazy metallurgists or a flaw in the mining engineering and extraction methods will do the job just as well.  Here - in the orphan period - you really want to see contractors who have done it before on budget, and management who have done it before in similar builds and similar places.


    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7
    0 Code Share Price Mar '18 Current Share price % Percent Gain/Loss Business Description and activities   Summary/Result of last 2-3 years with attempted explanation of success/failure
    1 ADN 0.010 0.250 2400 Andromeda Metals explo Au in Drummond basin QLD and Eyre Peninsula (SA) and Moonta CuAu in SA plus Rover Cu Au in the NT Au Halloysite re-rating
    2 AGG 2.420 6.190 156 Anglogold Ashanti giant gold miner with 5 mines in Africa, 4 in South America, 2 in Australia and 2 in South Africa Au Gold price rerating
    3 AGS 0.080 0.185 131 Alliance Resources Au exploration in Gawler Weednanna and Wilcherry Hill Au Gold price rerating
    4 AHQ 0.040 0.054 35 Allegience Coal - coal expl in Canada Coal Coal smashed
    5 AIS 0.070 0.081 16 Aeris Resources being re-rated as they pay off Glencore debt Cu Paid off debts, canny acquisition of Cracow Mine but still weighed down by metal sentiment
    6 AIV 0.170 0.155 -9 Exploration in Drummond (QLD), Moonta and Gawler (SA) and Tennant Ck area (NT) for Au Cu Au Chinese landbankers - never actually do anything
    7 AJM 0.300 0.000 -100 Altura Mining – hard rock Li near Pilgangoora plus some iron ore and coal in Aus and indonesia Li Went broke
    8 AJQ 0.070 0.059 -16 Armour Energy NT gas Oil Oil smashed
    9 AMG 0.050 0.049 -2 Ausmex Mining Group - ex CDU management Au and Cu expl in NW QLD Cu Failed to execute all exploration and development plans
    10 AMI 0.230 0.420 83 Aurelia Metals Limited growing with acqusition of Peak Gold mine Zn Orphan gold and base metal producer, questionable new acqusition
    11 AML 0.200 0.130 -35 Aeon Metals Walford Ck hi grade Cu explorer Cu Lifestyle company
    12 AOU 0.160 0.150 -6 Auroch JV into SA Zn project then went Ni expl in WA ZnPb Pivot from Zn to Ni not really recognised by market
    13 AQD 0.020 0.017 -15 Peru base metals and Lennard Shelf Pb Zn Zn Numerous "dusters" accross all projects
    14 AQI 0.140 0.125 -11 Alicanto Minerals gold exploration in Guyana Au  
    15 ARL 1.060 0.450 -58 Ardea Ni Co laterite project Goongarrie in WA along with Lewis Ponds Zn Ag Au in NSW and some Orange Au and LFB Cu Au exploration Ni Co prices smashed by Chinese manipulation
    16 ARV 0.310 0.125 -60 Artemis resources Pilbara Conglo gold hype, plus Carlow Castle, plus Patterson nearology - dreadful management Au Lifestyle company
    17 ATU 0.180 0.305 69 Atrum Coal Limited Canadian coal developer Coal Coal smashed
    18 AUC 0.030 0.049 63 Ausgold small Au mine out near Wilcania NSW Au Classic "orphan" development stage
    19 AUL 0.010 0.003 -72 Morningstar Gold renamed Austar Gold - got stuffed around by Vic govt bonkers hi grade narrow Au mine Au 100:1 Consolidation - Yuk!
    20 AUR 0.068 0.084 24 Auris Minerals Limited – early stage WA Cu Au explorer - recent frolic into NZ Au Cu Held up by SFR shenanigans
    21 AXE 0.070 0.540 671 Archer Exploration – Graphite mine approved, no progress on Mg project yet Gr Graphite hype and re-rating
    22 AZS 0.360 0.820 128 Azure Mexico Pb Zn then after Covid hit went Ni Cu in WA Zn Major nickel discovery
    23 AZY 0.020 0.045 125 Antipa Minerals explorer in the Tanami Au Some exploration success
    24 BBX 0.230 0.300 30 No reliable assay method Au No progress
    25 BHP 27.400 42.250 54 BHP exposure to iron ore, oil and copper Industrial OK for a blue chip stock, iron ore price tail winds
    26 BLD 7.250 4.870 -33 Boral Limited  contruction materials cement co Industrial Domestic gas prices
    27 BLK 0.210 0.000 -100 Blackham terrible year of pit slips, gold room fires and floods, grade control problems in suspension. Au Dishonest management, Went broke reborn as WMX
    28 BRB 0.620 0.180 -71 WA gold explorer greenfield discovery at Lake Roe Au Can't stop drilling, shareholders sick of waiting
    29 BSX 0.370 0.375 1 Abandonned Au Co in Canada then went to Ni Cu in Vietnam Ni Cu Exploration success not really translated into share price
    30 C6C 1.200 1.680 40 Copper Mountin from AOH takeover Cu Low grade producer finally caught Cu price tail winds
    31 CAE 0.030 0.029 -3 Cannindah Resources Au exploration near Dotswood trenches Nth QLD Au  
    32 CAP 0.070 0.049 -30 Carpentaria Hawsons high grade Magnetite Iron Ore Fe Chinese shennanigans and mismanagement
    33 CCZ 0.004 0.040 900 Castillo Copper – Co expl in Broken Hill, Malborough and Mt Oxide Co Announced drilling and copper price tailwinds
    34 CDV 0.610 1.080 77 Cardinal Resources – recovered after ham fisted met report got lucky with timing Au Taken over cheaply
    35 CMM 0.300 1.690 93 Capricorn Metals viable Au resource at Karlawinda building a mine Au 5:1 Consolidation
    36 CNB 0.330 0.420 27 Berkut Minerals Co hype, then swung to Tick Hill, sold that and now drilling Pilbara Intrusive gold nearology Co Have not been afraid to change plans as metal prices fluctuate
    37 COB 0.180 0.125 -31 Cobolt Blue Thackeringa gravity sulphide Co Lifestyle company
    38 COE 0.300 0.365 22 Cooper Energy Oil Oil smashed
    39 CRB 0.080 0.042 -48 Problems getting Mt Morgan Au Cu S project approved Cu Sovereign risk loss of assets
    40 CSD 0.250 0.125 -50 Consolidated Tin Zn at Surveyor and Mt Garnet - still in Admi/suspended Zn Lifestyle company
    41 CTL 0.012 0.000 -100 Junior Au miner in VIC A1 gold mine Au Went broke
    42 CTP 0.080 0.130 63 Central Petroleum Oil Oil smashed
    43 CVN 0.100 0.280 180 Carnavon Petroleum Oil Oil smashed
    44 CVS 0.010 0.000 -100 Cervantes Corporation Meekathara gold explorer and Paynes Find all WA gold expl Au Went broke
    45 CXO 0.060 0.084 40 Core Exploration Finiss Li deposit in the NT plus a heap of other greenfields Cu Pb Zn in the NT and SA Li Li smashed have looked at other metals
    46 CYL 0.780 2.690 245 Gold explorer in VIC Au Have had drilling success
    47 CZL 0.020 0.004 -80 Consolidated Zinc go slow in Mexico with crap CR Zn Inept management and low metal prices
    48 DCN 2.060 0.036 -98 Dacian Gold Ltd (Nordesmic) – trying to bring Mt Morgan Au mine into production Au Went broke
    49 DEG 0.190 1.100 479 DeGrey Mining exposure to Pilbara Conglometares Au Major gold discovery
    50 DRM 0.190 0.700 268 Doray Au producer – Deflector producing but share price keeps on being smashed Au Taken over cheaply
    51 EAR 0.250 0.290 16 Echo Resources refurbing Bronzewing up to 15Mt @ 1.7g/T Aui Au Taken over cheaply
    52 EGA 0.290 0.450 55 Egan Street Resources – Rothsay Au project in WA Au Taken over cheaply
    53 ENR 0.103 0.175 71 Encounter Resources Telfer West exploration JV with Newcrest and Patterson Basin Cu near Nifty WA Au Patterson nearology - no results yet
    54 EQE 0.040 0.013 -68 Bonkers Cu in Chile Cu Sovereign risk loss of assets - Chile
    55 ERM 0.090 0.080 -11 Emmerson Resources in the NT – really no traction despite exploration success Au Lazy management plus Covid gave them an excuse to do nothing all year
    56 EVN 2.260 5.120 127 Evolution Mining – Jake Klein can do no wrong Au Gold price rerating + good management
    57 EXU 0.110 0.250 127 Au expl beneath wheat belts WA - resource upgrade soon Au Taken over cheaply
    58 FAR 0.070 0.011 -84 Oil drilling in Senegal Oil Sovereign risk loss of assets - Senegal
    59 FCC 1.450 0.160 -89 First Cobalt Canada – ASX listed large Canadian Co explorer with processing facilities Co Delisted went private into Glencores hands - operation profitable
    60 FMG 5.050 21.460 325 Fortescue Metals – Twiggy Forest Iron Ore producer survives Fe Iron ore prices
    61 GBZ 0.010 0.140 1300 GBM Resources central QLD gold exploration and Chinese shennanigans Au Renewed interest in gold
    62 GCY 0.470 0.000 -100 Gascoyne Two Au mines under construction in WA Au Went broke due to resource estimation failure
    63 GOR 0.690 1.270 84 Gold Road mine under construction - could be orphan stage? Au Orphan gold producer
    64 HAV 0.190 0.190   Havilah Resources – Portia not making money, disastrous capital raising incompetent divided board Au Lifestyle company
    65 HE8 0.040 0.050 25 Helios Energy Limited oil and gas exploration in Texas Oil  
    66 HMX 0.030 0.038 27 Quick exploration campaign near Cloncurry with Glencore found shallow hi grade Cu Cu No progress
    67 HRR 0.740 0.000 -100 Woodlawn operation diluted down - just went through big 10 TO 1 consolidation in Dec Zn Went broke
    68 HRZ 0.110 0.125 14 Good old fashioned producer and Au explorer in Kalgoorlie Au Capital raise churning surpresses share price
    69 HVN 3.850 4.560 18 Harvey Norman discretionary consumer goods Industrial Did OK out of Covid pump
    70 HZN 0.070 0.065 -7 Horizon Oil Oil Oil smashed
    71 IBG 0.080 0.027 -66 Ironbark Zn Pb in Greenland Citronen project tied up in China NFC sillyness Zn Lifestyle company
    72 ICG 0.010 0.060 500 Inca Minerals - Zn Pb Ag exploration drilling in Peru Zn  
    73 IGO 4.160 5.100 23 Independance Gold – operating Ni Au and base metal mines in WA Ni Au Li Held up by low base metal prices, Li acqusition rerate
    74 IPL 3.800 2.360 -38 Incitec Pivot US and Aus fertilizer business P Domestic gas prices
    75 IPT 0.020 0.021 5 Impact minerals - no proper focus on Commonwealth Au Lifestyle company
    76 IVR 0.020 0.058 190 Paris and other Au Cu Ag expl in SA Cu Exploration success
    77 JBH 23.530 42.890 82 JB Hi Fi – can they fight off Amazon and streaming? Industrial OK for a blue chip stock
    78 KDR 1.250 1.500 20 Kidman Resources Earl Grey Li on WA Li Taken over cheaply
    79 KGL 0.370 0.295 -20 KGL Resources finding Cu at Jervois Project in NT located NE of Alice Springs Calc silicates Cu Au Ag Pb Zn Cu Didn't do anything all year
    80 KIN 0.260 0.180 -31 Kin Mining (Nordesmic) Eastern Goldfields WA Au Near death experience incompetent management
    81 KLA 22.010 56.950 159 Kirkland Lake Gold Fosterville mine extremely profitable Au Gold price rerating
    82 KRR 0.011 0.024 118 King River Copper Au Cu and V exploration in the East Kimberly Au Stalled development
    83 LCD 0.020 0.021 5 Gold explorer Au Mt Ida WA & SA Au Not much drilling this year - not sure why
    84 LCK 0.130 0.180 38 Leigh Crk energy cannot gain traction in market (not fully licenced yet) Oil Slow progress
    85 LEX 0.160 0.200 25 Lefroy Exploration Lucky strike Au exploration in WA Au No progress
    86 LNY 0.003 0.007 133 Laneway Agate Creek Au mine QLD plus dodgy toll treatment Au Havent acheived anything, lifestyle company
    87 MBK 0.030 0.011 -63 Drilling now – Central QLD Expl for Au – no real market traction Au Lifestyle company
    88 MCR 0.300 1.080 260 Mincor Resources WA Ni miner Ni Slow and steady rise from Ni price rises
    89 MCT 0.040 0.019 -53 Metalicity Admiral Bay Zn plus other Lennard Shelf plus Li ezpl in WA Zn Li Seems to be doubts about management
    90 MDI 0.020 0.014 -30 Low grade whacky Tonolite Au vein plug in WA, almost looks like a Cadia style orebody Au Low grade "off putting"
    91 MEP 0.080 0.160 100 Minotaur Exploration Cu JV ownership of Halloysite resource
    92 MEU 0.010 0.047 370 Thin shallow high grade Au 50km north of Challenger Au Gold discovery
    93 MGU 0.060 0.600 900 Exited emeralds in South Africa & went into Fe ore in Nevada Cu Keep on chasing the latest "trends" stricly a trading stock
    94 MGV 0.070 0.425 507 Keep on finding gold new discovery along strike of Break of Day Au Major gold discovery
    95 MGX 0.420 0.920 119 Mt Gibson Iron solid Iron Ore producer after Koolyang Is insurance debacle Fe Iron ore prices
    96 MLX 0.990 0.105 -89 Metals X Sn in Tas, Cu at Nifty and Ni Co Wingellina Cu Nifty sent them broke
    97 MMG 5.000 5.000   MMG Dugald River Zn Pb upside Zn Delisted
    98 MMI 0.240 0.064 -73 Metro Mining Aluminium producer Skardon River Al Al smashed
    99 MOY 0.170 0.051 -70 Keep on finding gold Au Almost went broke
    100 MYL 0.080 0.073 -9 Myannmar Metals – high grade Zn Pb orebody in Myannmar Zn Dragged down by base metals sentiment and questions about sovereign risk
    101 NHC 2.010 1.420 -29 New Hope Coal – obvious problems with QLD government Coal Coal smashed
    102 NST 5.220 13.000 149 Northern Star Mining – good profitable WA gold producer Au Gold price rerating
    103 NWS 18.070 24.680 37 News Limited Industrial OK for a blue chip stock
    104 OSH 7.290 3.750 -49 Oil Search Oil Oil smashed
    105 OZL 8.360 18.870 126 Quality Cu assets at Prom Hill and Carrapateena Cu Copper price rerating
    106 PEX 0.300 0.270 -10 Had an excellent exploration success around Cobar Zn Never stopped drilling - seem unwilling to commit to mining
    107 PLS 0.760 0.860 13 Pilbara Minerals Li mine in WA (can they survive China price manipulation?) Li Survived manipulation of Li prices and able to capitalise on others failures
    108 PMY 0.010 0.017 70 Pacifico Minerals – Sorby Hills Pb Zn Ag in WA, Borollola JV with Sandfire (NT), Violin Cu AU project in Mexico Pb Lead price rerating and development progress
    109 PNM 0.001 0.000 -95 Malachite Resources – nightmare lifestyle company finally have Lorena into production – will they make any money out of it Au Lifestyle company
    110 PNR 0.190 0.215 13 Nicholson's Gold Mine in WA near Halls Creek Au Short mine life concerns?
    111 PNX 0.010 0.007 -30 PNX Metals Hayes Ck and Molin Cu Pb Zn exploration in the NT Cu Lifestyle company
    112 PRN 2.120 1.420 -33 Ausdrill merging with Barminco (one big happy family>\?) Industrial Sovereign risk loss of assets
    113 PRU 0.330 1.170 255 Perseus Mining Au mines in Ghana and Cote D'Ivoire Au Gold price rerating
    114 PRX 0.120 0.054 -55 Was ABU now PRX, have made expl progress but market seems to ignore Au Lifestyle company
    115 PXX 0.160 0.038 -76 Polar X Limited Au Cu exploration in Alaska Cu Screwed over by Lundin Mining JV partner found a lot of As in the orebody
    116 RDM 0.160 0.110 -31 Maronan plus lots other QLD and SA exploration Cu Lifestyle company
    117 RFX 0.105 0.027 -74 Redflow Zn Bromide battery factory in Thailand Br Failed to deliver new Zn battery technology
    118 RMS 0.390 1.780 356 Undervalued aussie gold producer Au Gold price rerating
    119 RRL 4.030 3.790 -6 Regis Resources – nice boring gold miner at Duketon n of Laverton Au Hedged away all their profits, idiotic management
    120 RSG 1.070 0.750 -30 Resolute sold Ravenswood and West Africa Au Terrible cost overruns and dishonest management
    121 RVR 0.300 0.270 -10 Became a Zn producer at Thalanga – market ignoring transition from explorer to producer Zn Base metal prices and execution risks
    122 S32 3.300 2.620 -21 ShitCo spin-off from BHP-Billiton run quite well – share buyback has had no effect. Industrial Coal smashed, South Africa issues, other commodities smashed
    123 SAR 1.740 4.870 180 Thunderbox and Caruse Dam in WA Au Merger with NST
    124 SAU 0.290 0.110 -62 Campaign WA gold plus S Korea expl Au Sovereign risk loss of assets
    125 SBM 3.830 2.540 -34 WA gold mines and Simberi in PNG – looking a bit overpriced Au Was overpriced
    126 SCI 0.035 0.022 -37 Silver City Minerals Cu driling s of BH Cu Lifestyle company
    127 SFX 0.722 0.310 -57 Sheffield Resources Limited – heavy mineral sands miner in WA Industrial  
    128 SGC 0.160 0.120 -25 Sacgasco natural gas in Sacremento Valley Oil  
    129 SGQ 0.110 0.105 -5 Had a bit of exploration success in Ni sulphides – share price took off Ni Lots of drilling for very marginal gains in Ni resources
    130 SLR 0.380 1.830 382 Silver Lake Resources - ignored gold producer Au Gold price rerating
    131 SMR 0.520 0.800 54 Stanmore Coal unsexy QLD thermal coal Isac plains Coal Coal smashed
    132 SPQ 0.003 0.017 467 Just finished drilling Greenvale Steam Engine Zone plus NW QLD base metal projects Cu Modest gold discovery but new management
    133 STM 0.020 0.013 -35 Sunstone Metals Limited – new listing Au Cu in Equador and some expl in Finland & Sweden Au Overseas exploration ground rendered worthless by Covid travel restrictions
    134 STX 0.07 0.270 286 Strike Energy oil and gas in the Cooper Basin Oil  
    135 TBR 6.800 6.150 -10 Tribune Resources Limited boring competent Gold Miner in Australia East Kunduna JV with NST Au Sabotaged by JV partner
    136 TDO 0.070 0.072 3 3D Oil expl permit in Otway Basin Oil  
    137 TER 0.270 0.165 -39 Terracom Coal startup QLD Coal Coal smashed
    138 TKM 0.038 0.060 58 Trek Minerals sedex Pb Zn in **on, Lawn Hill expl alongside Walford Ck got screwed over in Zambia Zn Decent management and DEG nearology but early days exploration
    139 TLM 0.280 0.105 -63 Still stalled out with their stranded Monty Cu orebody not yet in production Cu Lifestyle company
    140 TLS 3.530 3.070 -13 Telstra – smashed by NBN and competition and reduction of dividends Industrial No dividends = no interest in business
    141 TRL 0.010 0.049 390 Tanga Resources Limited Zn Pb exporation at Joumbira in Namibia Cambrian Hosted Zn silicates? Zn  
    142 VAL 0.030 0.005 -83 Cu Ag project in South Peru 22Mt at 110g/T Ag and 1% Cu Cu Incompetent management
    143 VML 0.010 0.035 250 Vital Metals – no progress on african Au exploration or on Watershed Sn deposit Au Change to Li in Canada
    144 VXR 0.230 0.135 -41 Aggressive WA base metals explorer Cu Poor base metal sentiment
    145 WAF 0.400 0.965 141 West African Resources Ltd – Au Cu in Burkina Faso Au Gold price rerating
    146 WES 41.780 50.250 20 Westfarmers – solid year for retail – offloaded coal assets at end of year Industrial A winner from Covid pandemic
    147 WGX 1.860 2.660 43 Westgold – from demerger of MLX really went nowhere this year – like alot of gold miners Au Problems with mine operations.
    148 WHC 3.600 1.620 -55 Whitehave Coal – business OK but share price smashed due to low thermal coal prices despite this bing a coking coal co Coal Coal smashed
    149 WPG 0.049 0.000 -100 WPG Resources – struggling to make money out of Challenger, changed from Pybar to Byrnecut – very marginal operation Au Went broke coutesey of mismanagement and/or mining contractor before gold prices took off
    150 WRM 0.018 0.001 -97 Alaskan VMS exploration Cu 1000:1 CONSOLIDATION
    151 WSA 2.920 2.470 -15 Western Areas /ni producer Ni Incompetent management
    152 XAM 0.280 0.033 -88 Xanadu Resources Au Cu expl in Mongolia Cu Sovereign risk loss of assets - Mongolia
    153 YAL 4.030 2.540 -37 Yancoal australian coal producer Coal Coal smashed
    154 ZNC 0.120 0.150 25 Zenith Minerals Au expl in Tate River area Au No progress

    Anyway - keen to hear any feedback or thoughts, I realize that this list is pretty superficial and might be unrepresentative in some places and there are a lot of detailed "company specific" things that I have glossed over...
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