JMS 0.00% 16.5¢ jupiter mines limited.

response to asx re jorc code

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    Appendix 5A – The JORC Code
    I refer to the Company’s announcement to the market dated 15 August 2008 entitled, “Central Yilgarn Iron
    Project: Exploration Program Update” (the “Announcement”).
    ASX has identified as an area of focus, instances where companies, when reporting Exploration Results,
    Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves, have made an announcement that does not comply with Appendix
    5A of the Listing Rules – the JORC Code.
    In order to assist companies comply with the JORC Code, ASX has worked with JORC to issue a number
    of “Companies Updates” in relation to JORC issues. These Updates are available from the ASX website,
    A review of the Announcement indicates that it does not comply with the JORC Code in the following
    • Clause 8, in that the Announcement omits a statement confirming that the Announcement is
    based on, and fairly reflects, information and supporting documentation prepared by a Competent
    Person. The JORC Code requires that a public report must disclose the following:
    • The name(s) of the Competent Person or Persons;
    • Whether the Competent Person is a full-time employee of the company, and, if not, name the
    Competent Person’s employer;
    • The report has been issued with the written consent of the Competent Person or Persons;
    • The Competent Person has sufficient experience*; and
    • The Competent Person has relevant experience*.
    • Specifically identify the type of information for which the Competent Person is providing
    consent for inclusion in the Announcement. For example, the Competent Person Statement
    may state that consent has been given to information that relates to Exploration Results,
    Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves, whereas the Announcement only contains information
    relating to Exploration Results and not in relation to Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves.
    *Clause 10 of the JORC Code states that a ‘Competent Person’ must have a minimum of five
    years experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under
    consideration and to the activity which the person is undertaking.
    To assist companies to fulfil the Competent Person Statement requirements, Clause 8 of the
    JORC Code contains pro-forma examples of Competent Person statements.
    • Clause 17, in that the reference to Exploration Results in the Announcement does not provide a
    clear indication of how the grades were calculated.
    Would you please arrange for the Announcement to be amended so that it fully complies with the JORC
    Code and any applicable Companies Updates, and send it to me by email to
    [email protected]. It should not be sent to the Company Announcements Office. Unless
    the information is required immediately under listing rule 3.1, the response is requested as soon
    as possible, and in any event, not later than 9.00am (E.S.T) on Monday, 18 August 2008.
    In addition, as the Announcement did not comply with the JORC Code when it was released to the market,
    please also provide, a copy of the Competent Person Consent statement that the Company was obliged
    by Clause 8 of the Code to obtain from the Competent Person, prior to the release of the Announcement.
    Please note that ASX reserves the right, under listing rule 18.7A, to release this letter to the market at the
    same time as the revised Announcement if it considers it necessary for an informed market.
    You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions in relation to this letter.
    Yours sincerely
    Frances Finucan
    Senior Adviser, Issuers (Brisbane)
    Jupiter Mines Limited
    • Drilling program at Mt Mason nearing completion.
    • 50% of drilling completed at Mt Ida.
    • Gravity Survey completed at both Mt Mason and Mt Ida.
    • Terrestrial Short Range Endemic Invertebrate Survey completed across
    entire CYIP Project.
    • Spring Flora Survey to commence this week.
    Jupiter Mines Limited (ASX:JMS) is pleased to announce that the drilling program
    currently underway at the Company’s Central Yilgarn Iron Project (“CYIP”) in Western
    Australia is progressing well, with approximately 1629 metres of RC drilling now
    completed at the Mt Mason prospect, and 5,000 metres completed at Mt Ida.
    Drilling at Mt Mason is now essentially complete, and a further 6,000m of drilling
    remains to be completed at Mt Ida.
    Mt Mason Samples
    The turnaround for sample analysis is currently running at 7 weeks, and results for the
    first batches of sample results are expected to be received over the next one to two
    weeks. Results have been received for one vertical hole at Mt Mason returning an
    intersection of 11 metres at 60.29% iron from 70 metres.
    Hole Easting Northing Fe% Al2O3% P% S% SiO2% LOI%
    08RCMM003 243451 6776315 60.29 0.92 0.10 0.004 9.63 2.88
    See attachment 1 below.
    ALS Chemex Analysis ME-XRFII, LOI OA-GRA05
    The grades reported in the intersection are a calculated weighted average of the
    assays from the individual metre intervals with a cut-off grade of fe 56.6%.
    Initial indications from the RC drillchips are that hematite is being intersected at Mt
    Mason, and at Mt Ida minor intersections of hematite and significant intersections of
    magnetite are being returned.
    As advised in the June 2008 Quarterly Report, a ground based Gravity Survey was
    undertaken at Mt Ida and then at Mt Mason by Haines Surveys using a Scintrex CG –
    3M Gravity Meter. This survey will generate Bouger gravity data to aid in the
    delineation of potential iron targets, structural control information, and lithological
    In regards to the flora and fauna surveys, the Terrestrial Short-Range Endemic
    Invertebrate Survey has now been completed by Outback Ecology Services, with Paul
    Armstrong & Associates commencing the Spring Flora Survey this week.
    ABN 51 105 991 740
    ASX Release
    18 August 2008
    Suite 2 Level 16
    Norwich House
    19 Bligh Street
    Sydney NSW 2000
    Tel: +61 2 9235 2755
    Fax: +61 2 9235 2955
    Greg Durack
    Robert Benussi
    [email protected]
    For the Latest News:
    Paul Murray
    Andrew Bell
    Priyank Thapliyal
    Alan Topp
    William Wang
    Patrick Sam Yue
    Andrew Zhou
    Greg Durack
    Robert Benussi
    Charles Guy
    Issued Capital:
    Shares: 169,207,544
    Unlisted Opts: 13,650,000
    ASX Symbol: JMS
    Currently Exploring for:
    • Iron Ore
    • Nickel
    • Uranium
    • Gold
    Yours faithfully
    Greg Durack
    Chief Executive Officer
    Competent Person
    The information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Results is based on
    information compiled by Mr Charles William Guy who is a Member of the Australian Institute
    of Geoscientist and a full- time employee of Jupiter Mines Limited. Charles William Guy has
    sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under
    consideration and to the activity that he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as
    defined in the 2004 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results,
    Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’. Charles William Guy consents to the inclusion in the
    announcement of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it
    appears Charles William holds the position of Exploration Manager with Jupiter Mines.
    Attachment 1.
    Hole_id Depth_from Depth_to sample_id Fe % Al2O3% P S SiO2 LOI%
    08RCMM003 0 2 M000201 45.5 9.18 0.028 0.025 20.8 3.93
    08RCMM003 2 4 M000202 42.6 11 0.026 0.034 22.2 4.57
    08RCMM003 4 6 M000203 48 8.46 0.023 0.038 17.95 3.22
    08RCMM003 6 8 M000204 48 7.81 0.019 0.03 18.85 3.41
    08RCMM003 8 10 M000205 47.9 7.82 0.022 0.028 17.35 4.11
    08RCMM003 10 12 M000206 46.8 7.3 0.019 0.032 14.55 5.18
    08RCMM003 12 14 M000207 47.8 7.17 0.02 0.041 14.6 5.13
    08RCMM003 14 16 M000208 52.9 6 0.023 0.042 9.91 4.87
    08RCMM003 16 18 M000209 53 4.22 0.031 0.053 7.85 8.35
    08RCMM003 18 20 M000210 49.9 4.86 0.04 0.068 8.44 10.9
    08RCMM003 20 22 M000211 48.4 4.64 0.044 0.071 9.44 11
    08RCMM003 22 24 M000212 47 4.58 0.04 0.057 12.9 10.65
    08RCMM003 24 26 M000213 37 8.34 0.028 0.052 23.6 10.7
    08RCMM003 26 28 M000214 30.7 14.75 0.037 0.019 28.4 11.5
    08RCMM003 28 30 M000215 50.4 5.03 0.05 0.014 15.85 6.54
    08RCMM003 30 32 M000216 58.2 1.8 0.057 0.013 9.27 5.21
    08RCMM003 39 41 M000217 57.1 2.32 0.044 0.01 10.5 5.14
    08RCMM003 41 43 M000218 42.3 5.09 0.047 0.006 28.9 4.87
    08RCMM003 43 45 M000219 40.1 0.43 0.016 0.002 40.9 1.23
    08RCMM003 45 47 M000220 34.9 1.16 0.021 0.004 47.1 1.77
    08RCMM003 47 49 M000221 33.9 1.16 0.022 0.004 48.8 1.56
    08RCMM003 49 51 M000222 17.7 7.98 0.023 0.01 61.3 4.29
    08RCMM003 51 53 M000223 22.9 4.23 0.029 0.003 59.4 3.27
    08RCMM003 53 55 M000224 42.9 1.68 0.047 0.003 33.4 3.38
    08RCMM003 55 57 M000225 44.7 1.82 0.063 0.007 29.9 4.04
    08RCMM003 57 59 M000226 44.6 2.54 0.069 0.005 29.7 3.63
    08RCMM003 59 61 M000227 54.7 5.04 0.056 0.008 13.1 3.15
    08RCMM003 61 63 M000228 21.5 21 0.084 0.003 35.5 11.15
    08RCMM003 63 65 M000229 18.85 24.4 0.091 0.005 35.2 11.95
    08RCMM003 65 67 M000230 19.05 25.3 0.09 0.004 33.9 11.7
    08RCMM003 67 68 M000231 45.4 9.21 0.122 0.003 18.95 5.96
    08RCMM003 68 70 M000232 53.8 1.84 0.081 0.001 16.95 3.96
    08RCMM003 70 72 M000233 56.6 0.73 0.088 0.002 14.75 3.29
    08RCMM003 72 74 M000234 56.7 1.1 0.082 0.002 15.2 2.32
    08RCMM003 74 76 M000235 61.4 1.06 0.121 0.006 7.38 3.34
    08RCMM003 76 78 M000236 62.9 1.18 0.105 0.005 5.99 2.57
    08RCMM003 78 80 M000237 64 0.54 0.107 0.004 4.79 2.79
    08RCMM003 80 81 M000238 60 0.86 0.126 0.006 9.77 3.08
    08RCMM003 81 82 M000239 27.2 1.29 0.13 0.004 56.3 3.21
    08RCMM003 82 83 M000240 49.7 1.44 0.102 0.004 24.6 2.55
    08RCMM003 83 84 M000241 50.4 0.5 0.076 0.005 24.5 2.79
    08RCMM003 84 85 M000242 58.4 0.65 0.063 0.005 12.9 2.71
    08RCMM003 85 86 M000243 55 0.67 0.07 0.006 16.65 3.89
    08RCMM003 86 87 M000244 53 2.67 0.037 0.053 8.33 9.67
    08RCMM003 87 88 M000245 45.6 8.56 0.022 0.025 21.1 4.01
    08RCMM003 88 89 M000246 48.5 1.3 0.095 0.006 26.2 2.8
    08RCMM003 89 90 M000247 19.95 23.9 0.089 0.008 33.9 11.9
    08RCMM003 90 91 M000248 37 0.39 0.019 0.003 44.7 1.88
    08RCMM003 91 92 M000249 30.4 12.3 0.022 0.019 32 10.4
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