UT"leverage and inflation DOES increase your wealth " - Falseif...

  1. 1,469 Posts.


    "leverage and inflation DOES increase your wealth " - False

    if you leverage on inflation, all you will do is save money and pay interest at the same time.

    has nothing to do with it being over a short or long period of time.

    "If you pick property in the right area you will get capital growth (regardless of median price changes), and you can value add to it to further increase it's value and returns." - Correct

    UT, Mate, Seriously - inflation is the devaluation of cash over a period of time, which requires more cash to purchase the same item of same value. you cant profit out of it.

    oh and we know very well what a median is and how it differes from average and why its used.. did you see my example of bottem end housing and bottem end wages?

    UT you are also obviously very young and dont have kids, or know anyone who has them, having kids especialy around crawling / starting to walk age IS a full time job! that is why mum has always stayed at home while dad (hunter gatherer) goes out and works. like its been for thousands of years.

    you do realise for both people to have a job there needs to be enough employment for this? and if all the money everyone earns has to go back to paying off a mortgage, how will any money go back into the economy to create jobs? - seriously do you understand this problem here?

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