The closing comment from the auditor in this release pretty much...

  1. 22 Posts.
    The closing comment from the auditor in this release pretty much makes our position clear. I really hope we have some contracts in the pipeline ....

    "Significant uncertainty regarding continuation as a going concern
    Without qualification to the review conclusion expressed above,
    attention is drawn to the following matter.
    The half year report indicates that the consolidated entity incurred
    a net loss of $87,556, 000 for the period ending 30 June 2008 and,
    as of that date, the current liabilities exceed its current
    assets by $11, 071, 000.
    These conditions, along with the matters set forth in Note 7,
    indicate the existence of a material uncertainty which may
    cast significant doubt about the consolidated entity’s
    ability to continue as a going concern and whether it
    will realize its assets and extinguish its liabilities in
    the normal course of business and at the amounts
    stated in the financial report."
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