"Bible translation is an extremely tricky process. Not only do translators work with languages that are thousands of years old, but they have to take into account the prevailing culture that shaped the language. This is especially difficult when pagan ideas and concepts of the time heavily influenced colloquial idioms and jargon.
Thank angus
Did you read this, your mate wotsup need to take a hard look at it too as I told him this many times but rejects it"
Ppm, Jesus many said it is written
Many many times Jesus referred to the scriptures regarding himself
The new testament was not around and Jesus taught from the old,never discount the power of God in giving his people guidance throughout history and having his hand over his way of communicating what he wants taught and believed down through the ages
Rather than cast doubt like you do on the word of God,i agree with Jesus in what he said to Satan when he confronted him,man shall not live on bread alone,but by every word that proceeds from the father,you say that this is through the apostolic procession and tradition and the church,to me its so obvious its through the word of God the bible.
He has protected it through the ages
Voltaire famously said in years to come the bible wouldnt even be around or remembered,the opposite is more correct in our day
A christian means the follower of christ
Christ used the scriptures as his basis to everything he taught and believed including who he was and his mission,ill stick with that template not the church and tradition,ill follow Jesus and what he said did snd believed,not the church of Rome