"The Bible does not talk to anybody, people have a bit of a stab...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "The Bible does not talk to anybody, people have a bit of a stab at trying to work out what scripture is really telling us and most choose an interpretation that goes nicely with their various prejudices, or what other tell them to believe."

    If we just examine it in a Christian context and stop and think, after Jesus we are supposed to be all taught by God, and Jesus in the picture as well.
    The Spirit of Truth, Comforter = Father, he was to take all of Jesus's words and show them to us, includes understanding.
    With that in mind, how the beepers do we get numerous Christian faiths = HOUSTON LOL.

    If the Spirit of truth was in play, the world as we know it, would be unrecognizable.

    SO, logic and commonsense tells one, there must be a common denominator.
    I would suggest, to get the aid of the Spirit of truth, at the very lest one needs to know the very basics, on the who and what the Father and Son are.
    This was clearly corrupted by the CC's, which seems to have begun around the 100's, according to their Questionable records and the Bible.
    Most Christians follow some of their key core roots.

    Now LOOK at John 17:3 and tell me HOW the only true God there can be -> Father, Son and Holy Spirit, following is the ONLY explanation I can see for this extremely Strange claim and would nail it in seconds.
    2 Thes 2:10, 11 - and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
    And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,

    For some very strange reason, no matter how many times I put it to the likes of ppm, he simply cannot see that Jesus unquestionably and independently of himself, defines the Father as the only true God when here in John 17:3.
    It's smack in ones face, the above is the only answer I have.
    "most choose an interpretation that goes nicely with their various prejudices,"

    Been there and done it, but we have to let the Bible, as in the overall do the talking, and be able to consider seriously, all others points, and way them all up against the Bible.

    Most claim Jesus is the creator, the likes of Isa 44:24, rolls that in seconds, no if buts maybe's, but they seem blinded to it????????????????? what.png
    If you get serious and break down what a trinity God does to the Father and Son, putting it politely, they both totally vanish, God gets another Spirit, a god the holy spirit is made out of his, they steal his word 1:1 and the true light he is John 1:9.
    And that's without getting into their unrecognizable Jesus, the 2nd Adam Man, born from Mary LOL, yes the one that grew in favor with God, to the extent that God was well pleased with him tongue.png
    However, apparently, not that the Bible says so, that 2nd Adam man is not good enough to atone for sins rolleyes.png go figure?

    LOL, are you seeing a snippet of the picture LOL.
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