Thanks angus, history is my passion and you have said nothing...

  1. 5,749 Posts.
    Thanks angus, history is my passion and you have said nothing that I didn't know

    One needs to study the right source, namely the manuscripts the inquisition left behind, in one case they are located in Spain

    And the crusade which are located in Malta at St John library

    again thanks for your cut and past but you also need to be fair and post what doesn't appeal to your mind set
    eg what is highlighted and underlined below

    How about posting about the Protestants burning of witches in Salem, or doesn't this count

    The Inquisition was a judicial procedure and a group of institutions within the [COLOR=var(--color-progressive,#36c)]Catholic Church[/COLOR] whose aim was to combat [COLOR=var(--color-progressive,#36c)]heresy[/COLOR], [COLOR=var(--color-progressive,#36c)]apostasy[/COLOR], [COLOR=var(--color-progressive,#36c)]blasphemy[/COLOR], [COLOR=var(--color-progressive,#36c)]witchcraft[/COLOR], and customs considered deviant. Violence, torture, or the simple threat of its application, were used by the Inquisition to extract confessions and denunciations from heretics.[COLOR=var(--color-progressive,#36c)][1][/COLOR] Studies of the records have found that the overwhelming majority of sentences consisted of [COLOR=var(--color-progressive,#36c)]penances[/COLOR], but convictions of unrepentant heresy were handed over to the secular courts, which generally resulted in execution or [COLOR=var(--color-progressive,#36c)]life imprisonment[/COLOR].

    One point we had all the names of the people and to why they were prosecuted

    The activities of Bernard Gui, inquisitor of Toulouse from 1307 to 1323, are better documented, as a complete record of his trials has been preserved. During the entire period of his inquisitorial activity, he handed down 633 sentences against 602 people (31 repeat offenders), including:

    41 death sentences,
    40 convictions of fugitive heretics (in absentia),
    20 sentences against people who died before the end of the trial (3 of them Bernardo considered unrepentant, and his remains were burned at the stake),
    69 exhumation orders for the remains of dead heretics (66 of whom were subsequently burned),
    308 prison sentences, with confiscation of property,
    136 orders to carry crosses,
    18 mandates to make a pilgrimage (17) or participate in a crusade (1),
    in one case, sentencing was postponed
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