Resurrection of Christ, page-524

  1. 24,732 Posts.
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    Of possible interest, your tone appears to be changing???????????? redface.png

    ""Scripture must interpret scripture" doesn't tell me by what authority you are allowed to choose WHICH Scripture you use to interpret scripture, and why is your choice of scripture more authority than gum or zbusc or ppm?"

    Luke 10:19 - Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.
    Matt 18:18 - Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
    (Lies won't bind one for heaven).

    Clearly it's either my writings or many things are flying over you head, perhaps due to your set seeds?

    I generally chose ALL the scriptures for a given area that I cover, where as these others you mention, do Not.
    Hence when their limited quotes are countered with the Whole truth, they then seem to run away and not recounter, which suggests they cannot.
    It is human nature, if you have the answers, you will come back with them.
    ""Seek and ye shall find"
    Nearly every Christian scholar in history has been seeking and "finding". Different understanding to you. What's your authority?"

    On this authority matter, I have well and truly already covered this.
    Not to mention, there are a number of passages telling us of the Huge authority we have and to not back down with it, so to speak.

    Again on the different understandings, I also well and truly covered this one and based on the Bible, WHY there are these differences.
    You should be expecting exactly that.
    Not to mention, Jesus makes it very CLEAR, only FEW find it = TRUTH.
    "Why is the Comforter and Spirit of truth with you and not with those who don't believe the Father IS the Holy Spirit? What's your authority?"

    Again, this I well and truly covered, TRUTH is not negotiable on the key core areas of who and what the Father and Son are etc, etc.

    If you don't believe the Father is the Holy Spirit and he is, then there is NO question about it, You have created another God and made something else or another being out of his Spirit.
    The Comforter on that point alone, will not come into play, hence the results we have, all the numerous differences.
    "Just because you refuse to be one of the many sheep, why does that make your interpretation right?"

    As I said, on here at least, on the whole I provide many more back up verses, of which all cry about my post being too long.
    To get the whole truth, no short post can do it.
    Have a look at Angus's and my interchanges on the Comforter matter and get back to me and tell me which one is covering the Whole truth.
    That is a CLEAR example and and answer to your question (should be??).
    "Refusing to conform to standard understanding doesn't make your understanding the truth wotsup. Surely you understand that reasoning right?"

    Truth is NOT a numbers game Kam.
    The entire theme of the Bible and time from Adam until now, is a play of word, truth verses lies, so you should be expecting lies to a HIGH degree, that you will NOT recognized.

    Not to mention, you're again ignoring Jesus's Clear words, Only few find = Truth, so you should be expecting this.
    "When you say "God is Spirit" and in the same breath you say He is here and there, implying that spirit occupies some sort of space.....that is where the lack of insight in the Bible about "spirit" has confused you I feel brother."

    Clearly He is occupying some sort of space, even if that space is never ending.
    Earth is deemed as his footstool and if you swear on earth, you swear before the Throne eek.pngtongue.png
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