Resurrection of Christ, page-747

  1. 25,426 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "You seem to be saying things like I've missed the point, or "Bible quote for the human spirit being equivalent to the human soul are?" etc etc."

    "I don't need to give you the Bible verses because Baha'u'llah's clarification fits all the Biblical verses perfectly."

    If you say they fit Bible verses perfectly, then that suggests you've seen them (bible verses), so cough them up so I can assess them lol.

    But then you say -> "We cannot gain these understandings by looking at the Bible alone." = contradicts -> because Baha'u'llah's clarification fits all the Biblical verses
    Houston???? wink.png

    "For some of these mysteries in the Book (the meaning and correct interpretation of which has been sealed if you recall)"

    I recall nothing of a sort, from this end at least lol.
    Not to mention, my Book says God is not a God of confusion, does yours say that? lol.
    It would seem there are two aspects to both sprit and soul, literal and what comes from them, being another context.
    Like, all that you represent can be deemed as the spirit of Kam.

    I would have to de more homework, as I don't think the spirit and soul are the same.
    What is deemed to come from them, seems to get interchanged in various passages, but the literal aspect, I expect they are not the same.

    Not to mention, what is said to come from them, can also be said to come from the heart as well = mind field appearing now, but we cannot ignore this latter point.
    But it still keeps pointing back to, man being deemed as a soul living, the whole package.
    And possibly what you deem the soul as, is in fact the spirit, which might be to do with the image of, or part of.

    John 4:23, 24 - But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.
    God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

    So what's your take on the meaning of worshipping in spirit?

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