Resurrection of Christ, page-759

  1. 23,432 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    So it would seem that you don't think I was being fair and reasonable, in not just telling Kam he was talking rubbish, but show the verses so they can be assessed for the support he was talking about, so I could give his thoughts fair and reasonable consideration.

    I couldn't possibly take your title from you, of being the champ of not being able to assess actual verses for what they say, and not what your planted seeds from the likes of the net and what other people say.

    Your first ever take on the Thomas matter for example, was almost word for word of the common take on the net and peoples.
    Eventually, you back tracked or shut up on some of those points, obviously because you realized they were no where to be found in the verse, and were just stupid creative lines.
    However, amazingly you still hold some of these crazy views on it, because you seem to insist on abandoning the KEY theme of the message, which naturally then brings on delusions LOL.
    Not to mention, you won't accept at least one Clear verse elsewhere, among many, that answers the Thomas matter in seconds, well.............for those of God. wink.png

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