Resurrection of Christ, page-984

  1. 24,106 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "What we are asking is how you then conclude that it is oxygen which is the human spirit."

    I am not saying that oxygen is the human spirit, when we see the likes of the words 'the spirit of man'.
    All that I'm saying in regards to oxygen is, that one of the definitions for spirit is breath and naturally that includes oxygen, hence because of oxygen entering man, he Became a living soul or living being, which defines living soul.
    Man became a living soul, he didn't come alive and receive a soul after coming alive, according to the Beginning of the story.
    Hence in that context, you could say the spirit of God (breath/oxygen) made man come alive, but it was breath = oxygen.

    'The spirit of man" -> can be in the context of the heart of, mind of, soul of = all in the context of the product, fruits coming from the living soul, the entire bodily package, the memory bank, brain being the driver for the fruits and actions, known as spirit, soul, heart and mind etc of the man.

    Hence fearing the one that can kill the soul, is in effect or could be, killing your beliefs (removing them), faith in Jesus for example, lining you up for what the Bible calls the 2nd death.
    However, if you cling to your beliefs during a bodily death, they have not killed what I suggest is your soul in that passage.
    Hence you would be one of those souls so to speak, under the alter, which it would seem is just a record, registration of you in the Book of life, which will be opened on the last day, from my understanding.

    Otherwise, if you die and are not just asleep until the last day, it certainly doesn't sound exiting going to heaven and effectively just sitting or laying around under the alter like a rag doll LOL, until the end = what would be the point and reason for that ??????
    Of possible interest, until you raised this subject, I was of the followings that we are body, soul and spirit, but I had never investigated that subject for myself, so I had to face the reality, my belief was obviously what had been feed to me many years ago.
    However, it appears that the bible does Not support such, as much as we may want it to do.

    Hence, I have been requesting credible verses to support such and I don't believe they have been forth coming from anyone, as of yet.
    All the writers only seem to speak of the hope in the last day, and sleep upon death until then?
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