Following is what it seems to be looking like to me."Genesis 2:7...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Following is what it seems to be looking like to me.

    "Genesis 2:
    7 Then the Lord God formed a man[a] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

    The life which was breathed into Adam is more than air (with oxygen). For some of us, this verse is to be taken figuratively because God did not literally start Adam's life like a first responder giving an accident victim first aid. Instead, God gave Adam life."

    The words, God breathing into the nostrils -> I'd suggest that it's written that way, as in the language that man would understand.
    So, somehow God got the breath of life into the fully formed man, that was not yet alive.

    As you're more of a science person and understand that area, why on earth would you see any issues of anything else other than, the breath of life which would include oxygen, is what kick started the life of man???

    The Bible uses these four examples and interchanges them - heart, mind, spirit, soul of man so to speak, and these in this case, represent the product or fruits which come from the entire living soul, or living being if that's what you prefer, the brain being the storage bank from which the fruits come from.
    None of them are a separate identity so to speak, of the entire bodily package.
    Spirit returns to God -> One of the definitions of spirit = breath, and to suggest that oxygen is not a key there to breath, which is effectively returning to God (the giver, supplier), or staying with God, would be a very strange thought.

    Not to mention, if we come from another direction, whose to say that the spirit here that returns to God, is not in fact his spirit and not ours, as in he dwells within his creations, man, to some degree.
    Which now after Jesus, it would seem, it should be dwelling in one, to a much higher degree.
    Gen 6:3 - And Yehowah said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh;...........................

    Spirit here, could also be referring to breath.
    Anyway, that is some thoughts to consider.
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