"I'm not in her you twit. Your stupidity says her is the RCC...

  1. 23,361 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "I'm not in her you twit. Your stupidity says her is the RCC when the RCC canonises saints and prophets whereas her is responsible for their blood."

    You BLIND FOOL, you cannot SEE the Sheep in wolfs clothing or the angel of light, and yet you have followed and ACCEPTED it's seeds.

    I'm still waiting for a verse from you, pre the cross with Jesus saying, I go BACK to the Father. redface.png

    While at it, show from one of the numerous OT prophesies of a Jesus to be, that a pre-existing one in some form would come down and become flesh, or hop into the womb of Mary after having their memory sucked out smile.png

    And then -> Luke 2:52 - And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with Godeek.png and men.
    (Did Ya pre-existing one fall out of favor at some point?) what.png

    Just one verse of each will be fine.

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