Resurrection of Christ, page-96

  1. 5,401 Posts.
    Goodness gracious me, your corrupted spin on the Lamb being slain from the foundation of the world, is absolutely staggering and totally delusional.
    It was clearly a plan of an event to be, in the mind of Yehowah, your foundations and creations for all you do, begin IN you.
    Hence in Yehowah's plans/creations, the Jesus to be was the firstborn of these, the beginning of the creation of God, and all other things were created with this future one in mind and for him, just as the Bible clearly shows us.
    Col 1, Rev 3:14 etc.
    To link the literal events in the OT, Passover Lamb etc, then you have clearly lost the plot and playing in the physical, instead of being in the spiritual times that we are now in.

    Nice try wotsup, like I keep telling you, you are extremely well misinformed

    Since you love my sermon here is another one regarding these few points you made above, it’s not an issue whatsoever as you try twisting to fit into your narrative
    The lamb being slain from the foundation of the world is the eternal plan of salvation that God had in place even before the creation of the world. It is not meant to suggest that the actual event of Jesus' crucifixion on the cross happened before the creation of the world, but rather that God, in His wisdom and sovereignty, had already ordained and foreseen this event as the ultimate means of redemption for humanity.

    In Revelation 13:8, it says, "the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world" (NIV), it signifies that the sacrificial death of Jesus was planned from eternity past. It was part of God's overarching plan for the salvation of humanity, and was already established in the divine mind and purpose before the foundation of the world.

    This concept reflects the belief in God's omniscience, His knowledge of all things past, present, and future. It shows that even before the world was created, God had a plan for the redemption of humanity through the sacrificial death of His Son Jesus Christ. This eternal plan of salvation demonstrates God's love, grace, and mercy towards us, as well as His ultimate victory over sin and death.

    Therefore, the phrase "Lamb being slain from the foundation of the world" speaks to the eternal nature of God's plan for salvation and His redemptive purposes in Christ, which were established before time began and continue to be fulfilled in the present age.
    Jesus Christ is the central figure in the plan of salvation and the fulfillment of the concept of the slain lamb from the foundation of the world. The Bible teaches that Jesus, the Son of God, is the sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29).

    Before the foundation of the world, God, in His foreknowledge and wisdom, had already ordained that Jesus would come into the world as the ultimate sacrifice for sin. This plan was established from eternity past, reflecting God's grace and mercy towards humanity. Jesus, as the Lamb of God, was chosen to bear the sins of the world and offer Himself as a perfect atonement for sin, fulfilling the requirements of the Old Testament sacrificial system.

    Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus fulfilled numerous prophecies and types that pointed to Him as the Messiah and the sacrificial Lamb. He willingly laid down His life on the cross, taking upon Himself the punishment for our sins, and through His death and resurrection, He provided the way for humanity to be reconciled to God and receive forgiveness and salvation.

    After His resurrection and ascension, Jesus continues to serve as our High Priest and Mediator before God, interceding on behalf of believers and granting them access to the Father. He is the one who secures our salvation and eternal life through faith in Him, and He will come again in glory to establish His kingdom and fulfill the ultimate purpose of God's plan for redemption.
    Jesus stands as the embodiment of God's love and grace towards us, bridging the gap between God and humanity and offering the hope of redemption and restoration.

    Living in spiritual time in the Bible means being aware of and connected with the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit in one's life. It involves seeking to align one's thoughts, words, and actions with God's will and purpose, and being open to receiving spiritual insights and direction. It also involves living with a sense of hope and expectation for the fulfillment of God's promises and purposes in one's life and in the world. Overall, living in spiritual time means living in a state of awareness, attentiveness, and responsiveness to the presence and leading of the Holy Spirit in one's daily life
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