Retaining and Remunerating Staff, page-4

  1. 1,166 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1034
    I think you need to talk to your accountant. The information you've put there contradicts yourself.

    If your business is run through a Co as trustee for a trust, you employ through that same trust - you don't employ through the company. You could set it up to charge a payroll fee across and run two ABNs, but that would be expensive and pointless. As such, you're unlikely to be able to pay them after company tax is paid, because I don't see what company you're employing through, or paying tax through (unless you have a separate bucket company lying around). If you're doing anything else through ABC Pty Ltd apart from having it as trustee for the Discretionary Trust, fire your accountant and find a new one. The purpose of a co as trustee for a trust is to provide protection. Running other things through that company reduces that legal protection.

    Realistically, you're talking about bonus payments though. You can contract it, that they'll receive a bonus each year at a rate of X, or you can just contract discretionary bonuses, and then tell them it's going to be X. Don't make it too difficult. It will be pre-tax, but can be calculated easily enough, and then they'll get taxed on it (as you'd expect) at marginal rates.
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