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return the gold standard as world unravels, page-69

  1. adm
    95 Posts.
    enoonmai, you wrote

    "There is no law or legal requirement for people to measure things in us dollars. If the newspapers start quoting oil in francs or euro or dog biscuits it won't change a thing. Just a different comparison."

    You can measure it how ever you like but you have to pay for it with US dollars. Ever heard of the Petro Dollar - (oil for dollars)? OPEC is just an American elitist (banking oligarchy and their political puppets in government) backed cartel that controls the oil in the middle east. America wages war and props up the dictators so that these countries need her protection. Uncle Sam sells the arms, gets cheap oil and at the same time ensures the US dollar is the worlds reserve currency as oil transactions must be made in dollars. This ensures that there is always buyers of treasury bonds (government debt) and so the elitists can spend as much as they like without ever having to repay the debt - they simply inflate the money supply and or tax their own citizens who are unknowingly (for the most part) stripped of their savings and wealth.

    The citizens (after losing their jobs) become dependent on welfare and keep the 'democratically elected' elitists in power for fear of being attacked by terrorists and losing their benefits/entitlements. The population is very easy to control in this manor, especially once you've bought out the main stream press and brainwashed them.

    The expansion of the empire would not have been possible with the gold standard. That's why those in power will do everything they can to ensure we don't return to it and upset the status quo. Under the petro dollar the elitists have become infinitely more powerful while the living standards and real wealth of the vast majority of American citizens has been in decline since the 1950s.

    The US got involved in Iran and Afghanistan to prevent a pipeline to the East from being built and so their control over the 'black gold' was ensured. Thousands of American soldiers and countless thousands of innocent civilians have died over the years under the facade of 'democracy', 'defending human rights', 'pre-emtive strikes', 'shock and awe', 'eliminating weapons of mass destructions' et al. All of this for the sake of the 'black gold'.

    America has over expanded and has now bitten off more than she can chew. The military industrial complex is coming undone and America is rotting at the core according to all sources. The rise of the East and Gold (the yellow kind) stands in her way.

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