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Revenue Forecasts, page-12

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 820
    Hi All,

    While excited by Friday's announcement I posed the following to Glyn. His response was a little frustrating, but I am sure he has some limitations on what he knows and can communicae. I would encourage others to probe this line of questioning so to avoid the 'soft launch' confusion from 2014.

    Dear Glyn,

    I hope you are well. It was pleasing to see yesterday's announcement following on from my question earlier in the week with regard to revenue forecasts.

    I have two questions I'm hoping you can clarify:

    1. The announcement made mention the 200,000 units is only 'initial' quantities, with a much larger roll out planned. Are the additional quantities eluded to subject to any sales milestones being achieved or are they formally agreed?

    2. Will revenue be invoiced following the shipment of the initial 200,000 units or will it be received on the basis of 'sales through the till' at retail?

    Thank you kindly in advance.

    Hi xxx,

    Thanks for your email. But as we have been recording, we are a technology supplier to P&G. We have no involvement at all in their distribution so what brand they use for what product we have no idea of at this early stage. Things will become clearer once their marketing plans for each country are finalised, promotional material prepared, advertising, packaging with the cream etc are all done.
    When we are advised by P&G on their forward plans we will of course advise the market. But things are progressing well, but remember this is not a one show wonder but a programmed rollout and product development program. We are conscious of keeping everyone informed as to what is happening but we just have to wait and see for now until we get something concrete.


    Last edited by SDJungwirth: 08/05/16
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