richard carleton collapses at mone!, page-24

  1. 5,123 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    re: richard carleton collapses at mine! The issue with Carleton's career was that he stuck his own persona so much into the the story in attempt to rival, if not exceed the issue he was reporting i.e. the "brave reporter" asking the tough questions etc. In this Carleton was unoriginal. He was not the first, and certainly won't be the last. Where he might have been considered original was his sheer gall, at times, and complete lack of remorse for uttering unprofessional quesitons. Some might recall the East Timor crisis several years ago where his reporting may have exacreabted tensions and possibly (indrectly) led to unnecessary deaths. His lack of capacity to critically self reflect on his actions is on par with the Derryn Hinch's and other media love junkies of this world.

    Sorry if this seems like trampling on a dead guy, but Carlton will be eulogised by the media and I reckon he doesn't really deserve it. He did go the way he would have liked though - Richard Carleton becoming a bigger story than the issue he was reporting on!
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