To Yak, A Basic History of Zionism and its Relati

  1. 672 Posts.
    To Yak, A Basic History of Zionism and its Relati disrespect...but I can see you dont have military background nor do you think as a military strategist.
    Thats the trouble with Israel. Looking for a military solution to a political problem. Its unfortunate that the country was founded by a terrorist, Ben Gurion (killed 75 in Jurusalem hotel terrorist blast), and ruled by criminals like Sharon (killed 6000 in refugee camp massacre). Israelis had one leader with vision and he was shot, but not by a Palestinian....

    That is nowhere near the worst case scenario. And they have learned alot since the days of the 67 stoush.
    The biggest lesson they've learnt is that they have no hope of beating Israel with conventional military force. Thats why every Israeli is issued a gas mask. What kind of a life is that? Israel is a nation at great risk. But not from tanks.

    Now imagine the geo-boundaries as you would wish with totally permeable borders, with no restrictions on the passage of goods etc.Now envisage a terror campaign that is not waged from without....but from within???The only thing that allows Israel to function at all -is that the bad guys are "over there" - wherever that may be. There is a perimeter...
    I disagree. The problem with Israel is that they want to live on both sides of the fence. If the settlements were evacuated and a huge impassable wall was built around Gaza and the West Bank, most terrorism would be prevented.

    And.....even if your right....even if your worst case scenario is indeed the worst case and Israel has to do its thing....What price do they then have to pay in human lives??
    Whats the current death toll? 500 Israelis and 1500 Palis in 3 years? The longer this goes on the more Israel loses the respect of the West, and gains the hatred of the Middle East. Better to take a risk for peace than to become a despised pariah nation. All your opinions talk about Israel this and Israel that. What about the rights of Palis to walk on the street without fear, to live and breath in peace. Don't they have some rights as well? 30 years of living under a hostile occupying army is enough. If the Japanese had invaded Australia, we would have made life very unpleasant for them, can we ask no less of the Palestinians?

    Easy to spend other people's money (read lives) from afar, no???
    Other peoples money? I wish it was so. I pay taxes to Uncle Sam, and this money is appropriated by congress, against my will, to prop up Israel to the tune of $4b per year. I'd love to see how Israel would survive left to its own resources. Perhaps they could not afford the lavish subsidies to encourage peace destroying settlements.
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