rigby sadness - please keep thread non racist, page-5

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Ddzx is one of the few people on this list
    who sees the murder of a British soldier
    (by a lunatic) in its proper perspective.

    Australia has been mindlessly tail-gaiting the British
    and American empires into wars (that have little to do
    with defending Australia) ever since Britain's wars on
    'Boxers' who rebelled against British occupation of
    China, Britain's war on Sudanese rebels against
    British occupation of the Sudan, and Britain's
    war to cleanse Boer (Dutch) farmers from
    South Africa to ensure that Great Britain
    enslaved the Blacks and not Holland.

    The AIF means Australian Imperial Forces and that
    means our troops did what Britain told them to do.
    In Britain's war to cleanse Boer (ie Dutch) farmers
    from South Africa, under Lord Kitchener's orders
    Aussie soldiers built and operated the world's
    first Nazi-Style Concentration Camp for the
    Boer women and children that had been
    ethnically cleansed from farming land.

    In the Imperial Wars section of the Australian
    War Memorial is a letter from an Australian
    officer to his wife in which he calls what
    his British superiors told him to do to
    captured Boer women and children
    "a beastly business" because some
    27,000 women and children died
    (from disease and malnutrition)
    in Aussie concentration camps.

    In recent times, we've followed the American
    Empire into equally beastly wars on Vietnam,
    the Iraqis and the Afghans. And we support
    Israel's war to cleanse Palestinians and herd
    them into the world's biggest concentration
    camp: the dusty and deprived Gaza Strip.

    We can't stop ourselves from behaving badly
    towards captured men, women and children.

    We kidnap them on the high seas and like Bristol
    or Memphis slave-traders, we rob them of their
    human rights and punish them with the most
    feared agony in the British Colonial era:
    an Indefinite Prison Sentence.

    And for what perverted purpose?
    So racism can win an election.
    Hence I'll be voting Green.
    They won't cage children
    in concentration camps.
    Rudd and Abboott will.
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