CRI 5.88% 1.8¢ critica limited

Riley Iron Ore Mine - Progress, Photos and Calculations, page-76

  1. 2,427 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 453
    Bruham sold VMS at 6.8c (that’s a fact but I can’t be bothered finding his old posts) then Bruham re-bought at 11.5c or 12c of half his previous holdings.

    Btw I’m the one that baited Bruham to confirm what he sold VMS at, namely 6.8c but that was before VMS went to 10c so Bruham felt comfortable telling everyone how brilliant he was selling at 6.8c.

    I’d leave Bruham alone but if he is going to the VMS forum to provide FUD, I feel it’s necessary to confirm 100% Bruham sold at 6.8c and his anger towards VMS.

    I also baited BobbyM then he confessed he only downramped VMS so he could buy them cheaply and even wanted a pat on the back from me when he bought VMS.
    Last edited by ShareBeers: 29/07/21
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