Wow! Another socialist with poor comprehension skills!Here is...

  1. 2,710 Posts.
    Wow! Another socialist with poor comprehension skills!

    Here is what Gina actually said:

    "Now the evidence is unarguable that Australia is indeed becoming too expensive and too uncompetitive to do export-oriented business...Take, for instance, the latest global competitiveness report from the World Economic Forum (WEF), in which Australia’s ranking among the world’s top performing economies dropped from 16th to 20th in just one year…

    Australia’s relative fall is due to our own failures. This country simply can’t afford a carbon tax or Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT).

    As the WEF report noted, Australia ... ranked 75th for government regulation, and business knows the difficulties of this. Red tape - and green - was the overwhelming concern at the COAG Business Advisory Forum in April… BHP Billiton Chairman Jac Nasser recently singled out new and increased taxes, and a ‘much more difficult industrial relations environment’.

    Add to that our productivity loss… Our federal and state governments must know that now, more than ever, we must lift our international competitiveness just to stay as well off as we are… We must get realistic, not just promote class warfare…

    Labour costs are typically 35 per cent higher here than on the United States Gulf Coast, where they can also lower labor costs further if they utilise ‘illegal’ labour from Mexico and the south…

    Business-as-usual will not do - not when West African competitors can offer our biggest customers an average capital cost for a tonne of iron ore that’s $100 under the price offered by an emerging producer in the Pilbara.

    Furthermore, Africans want to work and its workers are willing to work for less than $2 per day. Such statistics make me worry for this country’s future..."

    So no talk of Australians having to work for $2 per day. But your not alone in your ignorance. Here are the kiddies responding:

    "Now here’s what Gillard and Swan claim Rinehart said:

    “It’s not the Australian way to toss people $2 – to toss them a $2 gold coin – and then ask them to work for a day,” Ms Gillard said in Perth…

    Mr Swan said he had not begun a class war with vested interests and Mrs Rinehart had a “$2 vision for Australia”."

    As Bolt says "Incredibly stupid responses - or incredibly dishonest. You decide."

    And Terry McCrann is equally appalled:

    GINA Rinehart did NOT call for Australian wages to be cut to $2-a-day African levels. The Prime Minister’s suggestion that she did was pure, malicious - and you’d have to say, only too typical - Gillard verballing...

    The really important and highly disturbing point about the Gillard smear, is not so much the smear in itself, but the deliberate distortion of and wilful blindness to the substantive point that Rinehart’s been making… We are competing with resource projects in countries in Africa that do pay $2-a-day wages or even less. And with operations in the US that pay $9 an hour.

    ... given those realities it was insanity to then load up our producers with excessive taxes, new (and highly stupid) taxes like the carbon tax, and more and more red and green tape…

    It is a malicious and totally dishonest distortion to characterise the totality of what Rinehart had to say in her video or what she wrote in her article as a call to cut wages in Australia.

    It was in fact the exact opposite. How to sustain a high-wage high-growth economy.

    Oh, well, that’s just Gillard, you might say. Except that in dishonestly verballing Rinehart, Gillard has also shown she’s prepared to trash Australia’s future."

    But there is hope. The best performer by far in this contemptible Government is Resources Minister Martin Ferguson. Here is how an adult, with comprehension skills responds to Rinehart’s reasonable argument:

    QUESTION: Gina Rinehart seems to thinks its all due to not so much the commodity price but perhaps compounded by our high costs, high risks, as she sees the economy. What do you think of that assessment?

    FERGUSON: Gina Rinehart and I have spoken about a variety of issues from the MRRT to the carbon price etc. I simply want to say that firstly I acknowledge Gina Rinehart as a serious miner in Australia… (with) real potential investments in Australia that will create wealth and will create real jobs…

    The real message to us with the lower commodity prices is that the fat within the commodity system has gone…

    (W)e’ve got to do everything we can to deliver the cost of deliver of projects in Australia because there’s plenty of competition coming our way- look at Indonesia and coal, look at potentially into east Africa in terms of the petroleum industry, Africa generally in terms of a variety of commodities.

    No one owes Australia a living… The next $230 billion (of investments) will be dependent on us delivering these projects and getting the cost of delivery of projects in Australia down.

    You see the difference?

    Still you probably listen to ABC leftards like the one today
    sneering at Rinehart’s “suggestion of $2 a day wages” for Australians?

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