Idiots like Rudd, Gillard and the rest of them have not only...

  1. 960 Posts.
    Idiots like Rudd, Gillard and the rest of them have not only destroyed this country , but they have also allowed some nobody's that arrived yesterday as illegals , who are quite comfortable spending my hard earned taxes, to criticise this country and it people, and instead of showing a bit of gratitude and appreciate the free money, houses, hospitals, medicine, and free food, they come out from under their rock mouth off about the "atrocities " of the Australian people !

    Well guess what! Nobody is keeping you here, I am willing to pay for a dozen of you and send you back to where ever you came from.
    Back to where they behead children, shout young girls because they want an education. Rape young girls beat their boyfriend , throw them of a bus and NEVER see the inside of a court!

    If its so F------ good at the s--- hole you came from, what are you doing here?
    Piss off and I will buy you a descent suit case to take back as well!
    I am sick of you people, I started work at 15 and I did not stop work till I broke my back and had a dozen screws put in to hold me up. And It really makes my eyes water when I see 4 or 5 of you in your 30's sitting in the middle of the day, drinking coffee!
    For 45 years I never saw the sun apart from a couple of weeks a year, working 12 -14 hours a day and for what? So that some lazy ------- can jump on a boat and come and spend my hard earned taxes that I paid so that my grand children can enjoy!
    Enough people, they are taking us for fools!!

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