Eagle, what plan does Gillard have for the illegal boat people...

  1. 2,949 Posts.
    Eagle, what plan does Gillard have for the illegal boat people besides keeping herself in power? I haven't heard one. They will keep coming. The East Timor deception before the election should have her brought to account. It was news to all including the East Timor Government. That sort of deception is really scraping the bottom of the barrel in the character stakes. There she was smiling and giggling last week on TV defending herself regarding the carbon tax backflip.. I find her incredible, in the absolute extreme in just about every negative way . Her gall amazes me.

    I believe Gillard is exhibiting extreme breach of power and should answer to the Govenor General. She went to the election on proposed East Timor off shore processing and no carbon tax under my leadership. Or was that another Julia?

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