Interesting conversation about truth. of course people will...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    Interesting conversation about truth. of course people will decide based on their biases what is fact and what is fiction. Some have a predisposition to believe that women lie. Even under oath. I’ve seen that. When they wriggled out of their own writing by claiming it was a story. When the lawyer decided the photos of a black eye and scratched face and bruised neck might be challenged because it was impossible to prove they were caused by that same man. when the people who witnessed the outcome couldn’t be tracked down. When he would cold bloodily say she couldn’t be hurt after yet another strangulation because he had been careful. But it would never do to admit to it because it would simply confirm how he had lived his life. Scheming and sucking off others and, the absence of that, relying on the government. And a past history that subsequently came to light Good thing that person doesn’t vote and has somehow avoided being on the electoral roll. at least he doesn’t influence those decisions.

    Why do I mention that? why do women not report these things? Because it’s plain down right embarrassing to live with a man like that. Or to be raped or to have your father (or anyone else who is meant to care) be such an arse. It’s a horrible experience to try to explain it - what it feels like to be bullied and threatened and accused of lying. And that’s what lawyers do in doing their job of acting in the interests of their client. If you want to know what it feels like then try it or talk to women who have been through it. It’s humiliating it’s frightening. It’s horrifying. And worse it repeats the sense of degradation while you watch the other person lie. And then know that they will continue forever to have rewritten the script of their life because it is a whole heap easier than looking at themselves and their shadow.

    I thus have some acquaintance with men whose self interest outweighs their decency but I also have a family connection with some one who was a key labour figure in canberra. I’d suggest that no matter that Hawke typified the Australian idea of the charismatic larrikin he was ambitious and street smart. He played the game and he knew how to use people. And she’s likely right that he didn’t want a whiff around him. In the 80s that would have had a stench to it. the accusation of his daughter sounds very possible, it was known in the family.

    But since it takes courage and support to report any abuse to the police not having support, or worse being actively dissuaded from doing so is not very likely to lead to a police report. That she might have been an addict at the time may mean something or nothing. Btw always easy to find an excuse not to believe someone. If she was actually holding down a job then it’s also quite possible she was functioning well enough.

    as to why it might have come out now. Well sometimes people submerge how they feel until the person is dead. Maybe this is her way of feeling she can finally get something back in return. Maybe she feels if she couldn’t get his love she can get some money.

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