Muslim Anti-Semite Elected London Mayor Jihad Khan Defended 9/11...

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    Muslim Anti-Semite Elected London Mayor Jihad Khan Defended 9/11 Terrorists

    "This is part of the Islamization of Britain. Is anyone really surprised? The UK banned me from the country. It is already acting like a de facto Islamic state. That a man who has shared a platform with open Jew-haters could still be elected Mayor of London is an indication of how far gone Britain already is. In Sadiq Khan’s campaign, his opponents brought this up as a blot on his record. Soon enough in Britain, however, it will be a selling point for candidates appealing to an increasingly Muslim electorate.
    Did anyone think the notoriously anti-semitic UK would vote for his opponent — a Jew? London is overrun — voter fraud in Muslim precincts is rampant. Not that you would need it.
    Sadiq Khan defended the 9/11 killer Zacarias Moussaoui, and called moderate Muslims “Uncle Toms”.
    Sadiq also spoke at a CAGE rally – the extremist group that nurtured British Isis killer Jihadi John. (here)
    London is finished.
    Raheem Kassam writes:
    Mr. Khan’s own track record is perhaps one of the most sour of all Muslim politicians in the Western world.
    In 2001 he was the lawyer for the Nation of Islam in its successful High Court bid to overturn the 15-year-ban on its leader, Louis Farrakhan.
    In 2005 and 2006 he visited terror-charged Babar Ahmad in Woodhill Prison. Mr. Ahmed was extradited to the U.S. in 2012, serving time in prison before being returned to the UK in 2015. Mr. Ahmed pleaded guilty to the terrorist offences of conspiracy and providing material support to the Taliban.
    And Mr. Khan also campaigned for the release and repatriation of Shaker Aamer, Britain’s last Guantanamo detainee, who was returned to the UK in November.
    Both Messrs Aamer and Ahmed provided Mr. Khan with links to the advocacy group CAGE, which described the Islamic State executioner Mohammed Emwazi as a “beautiful young man” and which has campaigned on behalf of both men. Mr. Khan is reported to have shared a stage with five Islamic extremists, including at sex-segregated events. Even so, his poll numbers remained firm until election day.
    The ConservativeHome website lists even more concerns, including:
    • A letter to the Guardian in the wake of the 7/7 terrorist bombings on London, blaming terrorism on British government policy;
    • His legal defence of Zacarias Moussaoui, a 9/11 terrorist who confessed to being a member of Al Qaeda;
    • His chapter in a book, entitled “Actions Against the Police,” which advises on how to bring charges against the police for “racism.” This is the same police force that Mr. Khan as London mayor would exercise authority over;
    • His defence of Islamist extremist Azzam Tamimi. When Dr. Tamimi told a crowd that the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed would “cause the world to tremble” and predicted “Fire… throughout the world if they don’t stop,” Mr. Khan, who shared a platform with him, dismissed the threats as “flowery language.”
    • His platform-sharing with Suliman Gani, a south London imam who has urged female subservience to men and called for the founding of an Islamic state.
    Londoners got news on Friday that their mayor for the next four years is a man with the judgement, priorities, and fellow travellers as laid out above. This, combined with an annual £16bn budget and an army of police, bureaucrats, and officials, would make Mr. Khan one of the most powerful Muslims in the Western world."
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