rising ocean temperatures devastating for...

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    "Rising ocean temperatures will be devastating for sea urchins and abalone
    Nicky Phillips, SCIENCE
    March 7, 2011

    MARINE abalone and sea urchins in Sydney Harbour will not develop normal skeletons if the ocean continues to warm and acidify as predicted, a study has found.

    Such impaired development could have a dramatic effect on the survival of these economically and ecologically important sea creatures.

    A group of Australian marine biologists reared abalone and sea urchins in present ocean conditions and compared them with young raised in warmer, more acidic environments that scientists predict will become reality for the world's oceans within the next 100 years.
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    While abalone larvae raised in control conditions had a well-developed shell after 21 hours of life, most larvae reared in water with a pH of 7.6 - a 0.4 drop in pH level compared with today - were dead or severely abnormal after the same time frame. An increase in temperature of just two degrees had a negative effect on baby abalone development and only 20 per cent of young raised in water four degrees warmer than today survived.

    The study found developing abalone had only a limited ability to cope with changes in temperature and acidity, and larvae could not recover and grow shells when they were placed in normal conditions.

    ''Near-future ocean conditions resulted in unshelled abalone larvae, a condition that prevents survival to the juvenile stage,'' wrote the authors, whose study was published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

    While urchins liked a slight increase in temperature, a lower pH reduced the number of spines juveniles could grow. But a combination of lower pH and increased temperature resulted in abnormal development for 80 per cent of young.

    A marine biologist and lead author of the research, Maria Byrne, said Sydney Harbour could experience extreme temperature and pH conditions, such as those used in the experiments, by 2070 to 2100.

    ''We are warming appreciably faster than other parts of the world because we have the East Australian Current which is bringing warm water all the way down the coast to Tasmania.''

    Earth Hour started in Sydney in 2007 and is a joint initiative of the WWF and the Herald.

    It will be held on March 26.

    Since its launch in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour has expanded to more than 140 countries.

    To nominate for Earth Hour awards go to www.earthhour.org.au."

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