risk aversion in a culture of fear

  1. 274 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 67
    One can't help wondering whether the way the market has performed since 2007 and especially over the last year has more to do with a social malaise that has been engendered in societies across the world for many years and certainly predating 9/11. A culture where our youth have a very negative view of the world and even when achieving hard won successes sink back into a maudlin state sacrificing celebration for fear of whats around the corner. Where our politicians gain power power through promoting negatives and an 'I am your saviour' platform and where economists and financial commentators gloat not about how they predicted prosperous times but how they predicted the most recent crash and how we should listen to them because they know when the next one is coming too.

    It suits some people to live in this state of negativity. It dumbs down expectations of people and provides an excuse for every failure.

    Come on!!! We Aussies are a nation built on a can do attitude, she'll be right mate, no wuckin furries, we are a world leader in medical breakthroughs and in sporting endeavours and we have had one of the strongest economies throughout this world gloom. Its about time we took a lead and stopped ducking for cover when these nervous nellies around the world cast a brief but dark shadow over our prospects every second day.

    Have faith, invest, grow confidence, celebrate our successes and show others our 'no guts, no glory' view of the world.
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